Trakya bölgesinde arı kolonilerinin kışlatılmasında ayçiçeği balı ve şekerle beslemenin kış kayıpları ve koloni performansına etkileri
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Trakya Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V ÖZET Bu çalışma Langstrath tipi modern arı kovanların da yetiştirici koşullarında sonbahar beslemesinin şeker le veya balla yapılmasının koloni yaşama gücü,koloni po- pulasyonu gelişimi ve bal verimi üzerine etkilerini be lirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Araştırma Tekirdağ Karacamurat köyünde Halil YIL MAZ' in arılığında 1-2 Eylül 1992, 11 Ekim 1993 tarihleri arasında, 10'nar koloniden oluşan iki grubta yürütülmüş tür. îki grubun karşılaştırılmasında 9 gözlem dönemin den elde edilen kışlaklardaki yaşama gücü etkinliği 7 ku luçka etkinliği ve populasyon gelişimi ile sezon sonunda Ayçiçeği (Hel ianthus annuus L. ) balı verimiyle ilgili ve riler kullanılmıştır. Kışın yaşama güçlerinin istatistik karşılaştırıl masında farklılık önemsiz (P>0.D5) bulunmuştur. Kuluçka etkinliğinde gözlem dönemleri istatistik olarak önemli (P<0.01) fakat Grup X Dönem interaksiyonu istatistik olarak önemsiz (P>0.05) bulunmuştur. Gruplar arasındaki kuluçka alanları istatistik o- larak önemli, (P>0.05) bulunmuştur. Koloni populasyon gelişimi farklılaşmasında dönem ler arası istatistik olarak cineml i, (P0.05) bulunmuştur. İki grubun bal veriminin istatistik karşılaştı - rılmasında bal verimi farklılığının önemsiz, (P>0.05) olduğu görülmüştür.
¥1 This study has beers conducted to determine the effects of autum feeding with sugar or honey on longevity population growth and honey production by using therece honey bees in langstroth hives, under fanner condltious. The study ti/as performed In the village of Karaca- murat between 1992 and 1993,. at two groups of colony which each consist of ten hives. At the comparison of two groups the datum concerner with the activity of longevity at the sheltered places which was obtained from 9 observation period, the activity of broodrearing, population growth up and output of 9unf lower Hallontua annuua L. honoy at the and of the season were harvested. The differences, at the statistical comparison of longevity in winter, was found statistically unimportant (P>0.05). The observation of period at the broodrearing was found statistically important (P<0. 01) ;but the interactions of group x period was found statistically unimportant (P>0.05). The broodrearing activities of the groups were found statistically Important (P>0.05). The Intervals, among the periods at the being difference of populations grounts up, was found statistically Important (P<0.01) but the interaction of group x period was found statistically unimportant unimportant (P>0.05). At the statis tical comparison of honey yield of two groups, were found statistically unimportant (P>0.05).
¥1 This study has beers conducted to determine the effects of autum feeding with sugar or honey on longevity population growth and honey production by using therece honey bees in langstroth hives, under fanner condltious. The study ti/as performed In the village of Karaca- murat between 1992 and 1993,. at two groups of colony which each consist of ten hives. At the comparison of two groups the datum concerner with the activity of longevity at the sheltered places which was obtained from 9 observation period, the activity of broodrearing, population growth up and output of 9unf lower Hallontua annuua L. honoy at the and of the season were harvested. The differences, at the statistical comparison of longevity in winter, was found statistically unimportant (P>0.05). The observation of period at the broodrearing was found statistically important (P<0. 01) ;but the interactions of group x period was found statistically unimportant (P>0.05). The broodrearing activities of the groups were found statistically Important (P>0.05). The Intervals, among the periods at the being difference of populations grounts up, was found statistically Important (P<0.01) but the interaction of group x period was found statistically unimportant unimportant (P>0.05). At the statis tical comparison of honey yield of two groups, were found statistically unimportant (P>0.05).
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture