Sürtünme karıştırma kaynağıyla birleştirilen plastik matrisli kompozit malzemelerin mekanik ve metalurjik özelliklerinin incelenmesi
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Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışması, çevreci ve ekonomik olan sürtünme karıştırma kaynağının hem plastik sektöründe hem de diğer sektörlerde yaygınlaşmasına, plastik ve plastik matrisli kompozit malzemelerin daha yaygın kullanılmasına ve bilime katkıda bulunmak için yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, kaynak yapılacak parçalar %30 cam elyaf takviyeli polipropilen malzemelerden plastik enjeksiyon yöntemi ile plaka halinde üretilmiş ve üretilen bu plakaların alın kaynağı, sürtünme karıştırma kaynak yöntemi ile yapılmıştır. Sürtünme karıştırma kaynağında kaynak kalitesini etkileyen takım devir sayısı, ilerleme hızı ve takım alın profilinin plastik matrisli kompozit malzemelerin kaynak performansına etkileri incelenmiştir. Kaynak bölgesinde oluşan mikro yapılar, kaynak sıcaklığı, sertlik dağılımı ve kaynak yapılan parçaların mekanik özellikleri deneysel olarak belirlenerek kaynak performansı ile ilişkileri tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çekme deneyleri sonucunda, en düşük %4,283 (2,623 N/mm²) ve en yüksek %24,391 (14,939 N/mm²) sürtünme karıştırma kaynağı performansı elde edilmiştir. Kaynak bölgesi sıcaklığı ile çekme dayanımı arasındaki bağıntı incelenmiş ve sıcaklık artıkça çekme dayanımının arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Kaynak bölgesi ortalama sıcaklığı ile kaynak bölgesi ortalama sertlik değeri arasındaki bağıntı incelenmiş ve sıcaklık artıkça sertliğin arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Kaynak bölgesinden kaynaktan etkilenmeyen bölgeye (ana malzemeye) doğru gidildikçe sertlik değerinin arttığı gözlemlenmiştir. Kaynaktan etkilenmemiş bölge (ana malzeme), kaynaktan etkilenen bölge ve kaynak bölgesinin taramalı elektron mikroskobu ile elde edilen görüntüleri karşılaştırma yapılarak incelenmiştir. Kaynaktan etkilenmeyen bölgeden (ana malzemeden) kaynak v bölgesine doğru yaklaştıkça cam elyaf takviye malzemelerinin küçüldüğü, azaldığı ve kaynak bölgesi sınırlarında cam elyaf takviye malzemelerinin biriktiği görülmüştür.
This research was conducted to contribute to science, helping the use of friction stir welding method which is environment friendly and economic to become widespread in both polymers industry and other industries as well as to help plastic matrix composite materials to be used more. In this study, the parts were manufactured in sheet form by plastic injection process from 30% glass fiber reinforced polypropylene matrix material and they have been butt-welded together using friction stir welding method. The effect of the welding performance of polymer matrix composite materials with respect to the parameters affecting the quality of friction stir welding such as rotation speed, feed rate and butt-weld profile were examined. The microstructures formed in weld zone, welding temperature, hardness profile and mechanical properties of the welded parts were experimentally determined and the relation between those parameters with respect to weld performance were attempted to be identified. As a result of tensile tests, a minimum of 4,283% (2,623 N/mm²) and a maximum of 24,391% (14,939 N/mm²) weld performance values were attained. The relation between weld zone temperature and tensile strength was examined and an increase in tensile strength has been observed as temperature of the weld zone increases. The correlation between the mean temperature and the mean hardness of the weld zone was examined and the increase on hardness was determined as the temperature of the weld zone increases. An increase of hardness was observed as hardness testing went from heat affected zone to unaffected zone (main material). vii Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of the unaffected zone (main material), heat affected zone and weld zone were comparatively examined. Size and quantity reduction of glass fiber reinforcement were observed from unaffected zone to weld zone, in addition to accumulation of glass fiber reinforcements on weld zone boundaries.
This research was conducted to contribute to science, helping the use of friction stir welding method which is environment friendly and economic to become widespread in both polymers industry and other industries as well as to help plastic matrix composite materials to be used more. In this study, the parts were manufactured in sheet form by plastic injection process from 30% glass fiber reinforced polypropylene matrix material and they have been butt-welded together using friction stir welding method. The effect of the welding performance of polymer matrix composite materials with respect to the parameters affecting the quality of friction stir welding such as rotation speed, feed rate and butt-weld profile were examined. The microstructures formed in weld zone, welding temperature, hardness profile and mechanical properties of the welded parts were experimentally determined and the relation between those parameters with respect to weld performance were attempted to be identified. As a result of tensile tests, a minimum of 4,283% (2,623 N/mm²) and a maximum of 24,391% (14,939 N/mm²) weld performance values were attained. The relation between weld zone temperature and tensile strength was examined and an increase in tensile strength has been observed as temperature of the weld zone increases. The correlation between the mean temperature and the mean hardness of the weld zone was examined and the increase on hardness was determined as the temperature of the weld zone increases. An increase of hardness was observed as hardness testing went from heat affected zone to unaffected zone (main material). vii Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of the unaffected zone (main material), heat affected zone and weld zone were comparatively examined. Size and quantity reduction of glass fiber reinforcement were observed from unaffected zone to weld zone, in addition to accumulation of glass fiber reinforcements on weld zone boundaries.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sürtünme karıştırma kaynağı, Kompozitlerin sürtünme karıştırma kaynağı, Plastiklerin kaynağı, Polipropilen kaynağı, Cam elyaf takviye, Plastik matrisli kompozit, Kaynak mekanik özellikleri, Kaynak mikro yapısı, Friction Stir Welding, Friction Stir Welding of Composites, Welding of Polymers,, Welding of Polypropylene, Glass Fiber Reinforcement, Polymer Matrix Composite, Mechanical Properties of Weld, Microstructure of Weld