Trakya yöresinde ABO ve RH kan gruplarının dağılımı ve genetik analizleri
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Trakya Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Trakya Yöresinde ABO ve Rh Kan Gruplarının Cinsiyete Gore Dağılımı Ve Genetik Analizleri Çalışmada Batı Trakya yöresinde bulunan Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ illerindeki ABO ile Rh kan gruplarının illere ve cinsiyete göre dağılımının genetik analizlerinin yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu üç ilin Devlet Hastanelerinin Kan Bankalarına gidilerek 1995 yılına ait veriler toplanmıştır. Daha sonra her üç ilin ayrı ayrı ve bu üç ilin geneli için hem ABO hem de Rh kan grupları gen frekansları hesaplanmış ve bu frekansların daha önce yapılan çalışmalarda hesaplanmış frekanslar ile uyum içerisinde olduğu görülmüştür. ABO kan grubu frekans sıralamaları r>p>q ve Rh sistemi frekansları p>q şeklinde tespit edilmiştir. ABO ve Rh kan grubu sistemleri için Edirne, Kırklareli ve Tekirdağ illerinde önce ayrı ayrı sonra da bu üç il geneli için ki kare testleri uygulanmış ve sadece Edirne ili papulasyonunun ABO sistemi için, p <0,05 ihtimal düzeyinde dengede olmadığı görülmüştür. Trakya yöresinde bulunan bu üç ilin gerek ABO gerekse Rh kan grubu gen frekansları bakımından yapılan Z testi ile p <0,01 ve p <0,05 ihtimal düzeyinde illerin birbirlerinden farklı olmadıkları görülmüştür. İllerde bulunan erkek ve dişi grupların ABO ve Rh kan geni frekansları hesaplanarak, erkek ve dişi papulasyonların Hardy-Weinberg genetik dengesinden bir sapma gösterip göstermediği tahmin edilmiştir. Bu tahminde sadece ABO kan grubu bakımından Edirne ilinin dişin papulasyonunu gen frekansları p <0,01 ve p <0,05 ihtimal düzeyinde önemli farklılık gösterdiği hesaplanmışta-.
SUMMARY Genetics Analysis and Distribution For ABO And Rh Blood Groups In Accordance With Sex In Thrace Neighborhood. Through this research, the genetic analysis for ABO and Rh blood groups according to the sexes in Edirne, Kırklareli and Tekirdağ provience settled in West Thrace was aimed. That's why by visiting the blood banks of the State Hospitals of these cities, information belongs to the year of 1995 was taken. Later the gene frequencies for both ABO and Rh blood groups were calculated within each individual and general avarage basis. It has been seen that these frequencies were in agreement with the frequencies calculated from the researches which has been done before. The gene frequencies were arranged to be r>p>q for ABO blood groups and to be p>q for Rh system. For ABO and Rh blood group systems, first of all chi-square tests were carried out in Edirne, Kırklareli and Tekirdağ proviences individually and a general mean basis for the three cities.But only for the ABO system within the population of Edirne city a significant genetic disequilibrium was observet at the level of p<0,05. It was observed that any significant difference was not fount at the level of 0,05 and 0,01 percent among the cities through Z tests for both ABO and Rh blood groups gen frequencies in Tharace neighborhood.IV The male and female populations showed any significant deviation from Hardy- Weinberg genetic equilibrium by calculating ABO and Rh blood group gene frequencies of male and female populations in the mentioned proviences. In these prediction ABO blood group gene frequencies of female population in Edirne showed significant (p<0,05) and highly significant (p<0,01) deviation from Hardy- Weinberg genetic equilibrium.
SUMMARY Genetics Analysis and Distribution For ABO And Rh Blood Groups In Accordance With Sex In Thrace Neighborhood. Through this research, the genetic analysis for ABO and Rh blood groups according to the sexes in Edirne, Kırklareli and Tekirdağ provience settled in West Thrace was aimed. That's why by visiting the blood banks of the State Hospitals of these cities, information belongs to the year of 1995 was taken. Later the gene frequencies for both ABO and Rh blood groups were calculated within each individual and general avarage basis. It has been seen that these frequencies were in agreement with the frequencies calculated from the researches which has been done before. The gene frequencies were arranged to be r>p>q for ABO blood groups and to be p>q for Rh system. For ABO and Rh blood group systems, first of all chi-square tests were carried out in Edirne, Kırklareli and Tekirdağ proviences individually and a general mean basis for the three cities.But only for the ABO system within the population of Edirne city a significant genetic disequilibrium was observet at the level of p<0,05. It was observed that any significant difference was not fount at the level of 0,05 and 0,01 percent among the cities through Z tests for both ABO and Rh blood groups gen frequencies in Tharace neighborhood.IV The male and female populations showed any significant deviation from Hardy- Weinberg genetic equilibrium by calculating ABO and Rh blood group gene frequencies of male and female populations in the mentioned proviences. In these prediction ABO blood group gene frequencies of female population in Edirne showed significant (p<0,05) and highly significant (p<0,01) deviation from Hardy- Weinberg genetic equilibrium.
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Ziraat, Agriculture