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Trakya Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma, diyabetli bireylerde COVID-19 tedavi ve bakım yönetimini açıklamak, hemşirenin rol ve sorumluluklarını ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. İki pandeminin birlikte bulunması “Dual Pandemi” olarak adlandırılmakta ve kötü prognoz ile sonuçlanma riskini daha da yükseltmektedir. Kronik hiperglisemi ve kronik inflamasyon, T hücre fonksiyonunun bozulması ve sitokin fırtınası diyabetli bireylerde COVID-19 infeksiyonunun şiddetinin artmasına yol açmaktadır. Hemşireler, diyabeti ve COVID-19 infeksiyonu olan hastaların izlenmesinde, tedavi ve bakım gereksinimlerinin karşılanmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bakımın hasta merkezli ve bütüncül bir yaklaşım içinde verilmesi, bakımda önceliklerin saptanması önemli noktalar arasında yer almaktadır. Hiperglisemi, başlı başına infeksiyonların kötü gidişatından ve mortalitenin artışından sorumlu olduğu için; glisemik kontrolünün sağlanması hayati önem taşımaktadır. Diyabet tanısı olup COVID-19 ile infekte olan bireylerin tedavi ve bakım yönetimi multidisipliner ekip yaklaşımı içinde sürdürülmelidir. Ekip içinde hastalarla yedi gün 24 saat birlikte olan hemşirelerin bu süreçte önemli rol ve sorumlulukları bulunmaktadır.
This study was conducted to explain the relationship between diabetes and COVID-19, to provide treatment and management for people with this condition, to reveal the responsibilities and important roles of nurses. The coexistence of two pandemics is called “Dual Pandemic” and increases the outcome with poor prognosis. Chronic hyperglycemia and chronic inflammation, T cell dysfunction, cytokine storm causes an increase in the severity of the infection in people with diabetes and COVID-19. Nurses play an important role in meeting the care needs of people during the COVID-19 infection. Providing care with a patient-centered and holistic approach, as well as determining priorities in care are among the important points. Because hyperglycemia, regardless of the source, is responsible for the worsening of infections and increased mortality; so ensuring glycemic control is of vital importance. Treatment and nursing management of patients with diabetes and COVID-19 should be carried out in a multidisciplinary team approach. Nurses, who are with the patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week, have important roles and responsibilities in this process.
This study was conducted to explain the relationship between diabetes and COVID-19, to provide treatment and management for people with this condition, to reveal the responsibilities and important roles of nurses. The coexistence of two pandemics is called “Dual Pandemic” and increases the outcome with poor prognosis. Chronic hyperglycemia and chronic inflammation, T cell dysfunction, cytokine storm causes an increase in the severity of the infection in people with diabetes and COVID-19. Nurses play an important role in meeting the care needs of people during the COVID-19 infection. Providing care with a patient-centered and holistic approach, as well as determining priorities in care are among the important points. Because hyperglycemia, regardless of the source, is responsible for the worsening of infections and increased mortality; so ensuring glycemic control is of vital importance. Treatment and nursing management of patients with diabetes and COVID-19 should be carried out in a multidisciplinary team approach. Nurses, who are with the patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week, have important roles and responsibilities in this process.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bakım yönetimi, COVID-19, diyabet, hemşirelik, tedavi, Care management, COVID-19, diabetes, nursing, treatment
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