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Güncel Gönderiler
Öğe Ülkelerin Ekonomik Göstergelerinin Avrupa Birliğine Üye Olmadaki Etkisinin İstatistiksel Tekniklerle Belirlenmesi(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2008) Koldere Akın, Yasemin; Turgan, Selay GirayAs known the accordance process between Turkey and European Union is continuing for along time. It’s aimed by this study to consider presence of the differences about basic economical criterions between member countries and our country. Shortly the purpose of this study is to determine the economical indicators which are the most important about to be a member of European Union. 21 variables and 208 country data are used in this study. The data are got by World Bank’s The World Development Indicators 2007 program. The multivariate statistical techniques which exploited in this study are factor analysis and logistic regression analysis. In accordance with the result of holded analysis it is determined that the most effective economical variables to be a member that are exports of goods and services, GNI per capita PPP, Gross national expenditure, export, import, ppp conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio and claims on governments, etc. (annual growth as % of M2). According to the findings; it could be suggested that the primary goal is to restore the condition of said 7 economical indicators.Öğe İşletmelerde Kalite Maliyet Sistemleri: Bir Uygulama(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2005) Yumuk, Gülsevim; Oğuzhan, AdilToday enterprises need to have high quality goods and low costs in the competitive environment in order to continue their existence as a result of the globalization.As it is know, quality costs are the sum of costs, which enterprises must endure to reach quality.In the same way, products with flaws charge enterprises with additional costs.Enterprises will be able to produce high quality goods and services by decresing total quality costs in progress in regard to the relations between the components while considering quality costs.In this study, the ratios within the total quality costs of cost compenents that are in the production process moving from the data of on enterprise applying the quality cost system in the production industry will be analyzed.Also, an appropriate model dealing with the pilot model and on the basis of a cause-effect relation will be estimatedÖğe Bölgesel Kalkınmada Kültürel Turizmin Etkisi: Kırkpınar Yağlı Güreşleri Örneği(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2005) Küçükaltan, Derman; Oğuzhan, Adil; Apak, Sudi; Boyacıoğlu, Ebru Z.Edirne’de gerçekleştirilen Geleneksel Kırkpınar Güreşleri kültürel boyutu olan en eski spor organizasyonudur. Kırkpınar Güreşlerinin Edirne ekonomisi açısından sosyo-ekonomik etkileri bulunmaktadır.Bu araştırmanın öncelikli amacı Kırkpınar Güreşleri’nin Edirne ekonomisine etkilerini incelemektir. Buna ilaveten 643 yıldır Edirne’de süregelen geleneksel Kırkpınar Güreşlerinin bölgesel kalkınmaya yansımaları araştırılmıştır. Sınır kenti olan Edirne’ye yönelik katkısı, güreşleri izlemeye gelen 1068 kişi ile yapılan anket soruşturması ile belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır.Kültürel turizmin ve Kırkpınar Güreşlerinin Edirne ekonomisine etkileri istatistiksel olarak incelenecektirÖğe Genelleştirilmiş Hiperbolik Dağılımlar ile Riske Maruz Değer: Bıst100 Endeksi Üzerine Bir Uygulama(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2017) İşcanoğlu Çekiç, AyşegülRiskeMaruz Değer(RMD) uygulamalarında getiri dağılımı üzerine yapılan varsayımlarönemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Yıllar içinde yapılan çalışmalar göstermiştir kibirçok finansal ürüne ait günlük getiri dağılımları, kalın ya da yarı-kalınkuyruk yapısı sergilemektedir. Bu çalışmada, 2010-2016 dönemi için BIST100endeksine ait günlük getiriler yarı-kalın kuyruk yapısı sergileyenGenelleştirilmiş Hiperbolik Dağılımlar(GHD) ile modellenecektir. Bu amaçla, GHDve aileye ait Normal Ters Gauss Dağılımı ile Genelleştirilmiş HiperbolikÇarpık-t dağılımı için günlük getiriler kullanılarak parametre tahminleriyapılacak ve dağılımların uygunluğu test edilecektir. Son olarak, elde edilenparametre tahminleri kullanılarak RMD yöntemi ve GHD ailesinin performanslarıgeriye dönük testlerle karşılaştırılacaktırÖğe Seçmenlerin Siyasi Tercihi Modeli(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2010) Metin, NurcanThe objective of this study is to determine factors influencing political preferences of voters in Thrace and İstanbul. Therefore, the voters’ preferences survey has been conducted with 2357 voters in the region randomly selected and evaluated. The informative factors influencing political preferences collected in these surveys have been determined by the multinomial logit model. A lot of independent variables have been used in this model, but, because some independent variables were not found as significant according to likelihood ratio test, these variables are not included in the analysis. Nine important factors influencing political preferences of voters have been determined. These factors are newspaper reading habit, foreign language, civil society organization membership, art preferences, sport habits, gender, age, birthplace and social security of voters. Whether the political preferences are independent, has been tested with testing independence of irrelevant alternatives of Hausman. According to this test, it has been found that the political preferences are independentÖğe İMALAT SEKTÖRÜNDE ÇALIŞANLARIN BAZI DEĞİŞKENLER AÇISINDAN ROL ÇATIŞMASI ve ROL BELİRSİZLİĞİNİ BELİRLEMEYE YÖNELİK BİR ALAN ARAŞTIRMASI(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2009) Ünsar, Sinan; Oğuzhan, AdilThe role conflict is the discord between the role that the employees want to carry out and the role which they are being expected to play. The role ambiguity is the employee’s knowledge level inadequacy about the duty which he or she has to do. The role conflict and ambiguity of the employees in the business, may reverberate to the production in a negative way by decreasing the efficiency. In this study; the role conflict and role ambiguity notions are expounded, the importance of these notions is stressed and their types are specified. Afterwards; the role conflict and the role ambiguity of the employees and the relationship between them are tried to be determined in terms of some variables. The findings, which are attained as a result of the field research done, are analysed, expounded with the assistance of the tables and the final conclusions are revealedÖğe Trakya Bölgesindeki İmalat Sanayi İşletmelerinin Toplam Kalite Yönetimi ve Kalite Maliyet Sistemi Uygulamalarına Olan Yaklaşımları(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2006) Yumuk, G; Oraman, Y; Oğuzhan, AdilThis study researched into the approaches used by management in the Trakya region with respect to Total Quality Management and Quality Cost Systems practises. In the Trakya region (Tekirdag, Edirne, Kirklareli),96 manufacturing companies with the ISO 9000 certificate were considered as candidates for this survey, and 71 of these were approached to take part. This resulted in the return of 61 sets of survey data, which is a rate of return of approximately 85.9%. The survey questionnaires consisted of various types of closed-ended questions, including the likert-scale type of question. The collected data was processed and analysed on a personal computer using a statistical analysis software package called SPSS version 8.0 for Windows. This enabled various quantitative and qualitative conclusions to be drawn from the data.. The analysis showed that 11 out of 43 manufacturers who obtained their ISO 9000 certificate from TSE, and 4 out of 13 manufacturers who obtained their certificate from a foreign institute, have been operating Quality Cost Systems. The top three most effective tools and techniques used by the manufacturing companies were found to be flow diagrams, statistical process control, and control cards. The top most difficulty encountered when adopting Quality Cost Systems and practises was reportedly not informed of quality tools and techniques to useÖğe Aktüeryal Değerlemede Markov Yaklaşımı(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2012) Terzioğlu, Mehmet KenanIn today's world, insurance products emerge not only as a means of protection but also an important investment tool. This paper takes into consideration the endowment insurance policy, dividend transactions, used as an investment tool. Dividend transactions are an attractive product due to the fact that it provides a source of capital for the company's growth. It is assumed that policyholders participate the investment funds in dividend transactions. After expenses, amounts of damages to be obtained according to the type of insurance at maturity and the options are met by the premiums paid by policyholders; the remaining amount is valuated in the investment fund. Since insurance policies are long term contracts, they are strongly influenced by changes in interest rates. The paper covers determining the force of mortality by using GompertzMakeham function parameter values and modeling two state time-continues Markov chain in which development of a single endowment insurance policy with a level premium payment is modeled as a alive and dead. The modeling process provides convenience in terms of density on calculations and gives more effective results than other methods in premium calculations, division of the reserves and determining the cost of riskÖğe Tüketicilerin Perakendeci Markalı Ürünlere Olan Tercihlerinin İncelenmesi(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2009) Altuğ, Nevin; Oğuzhan, Adil; Yıldız, MeralIn recent years, increasing competition in the retailing sector forces the retailers to promote retailing chains and service quality, to get closer to the consumers and to hold the prices low. Lately, retailers who have targets such as gaining new customers as well as retaining current customers and capturing competitive advantage, started to use a diverse range of marketing methods such as presenting products under their own store brands, retailer credit cards, supermarket membership cards and shopping over the internet. In this study, a face to face questionnaire is implemented on 400 consumers in Edirne city center. The questions which are asked in the questionnaire are intended for revealing the consumers’ demand to the retailer brand products. Due to results of the research almost %69 of respondents are buying retailer brand products while %31 of them are not buyingÖğe Farklı Varyanslık ve Yapısal Kırılmalar Altında Ekonomik Büyüme ile Turizm İlişkisinin İncelenmesi(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2018) Çoban, Berhan; Firuzan, Esin; Oğuzhan, AdilTourism is very important for the country'seconomy in terms of the positive impact of the balance of payments, employment,source of foreign exchange, increase production diversity and internationalcultural relationship. Because of these contributions, tourism is accepted aspart of economic development especially for many developing countries likeTurkey. Tourism data is affected by factors such as economic crisis, securityproblems and natural disasters as well as many other time series. These factorsmay cause structural breaks in time series as well as affect the results oftests performance. The main purpose of this study is to examine thecointegration between tourism sector components and economic growth understructural breaks and heteroscedastic or nonnormal error. Results showed thattourism reicept has a positive effect on Turkey's economic growth and balanceof payments. In addition real effective exchange rate has no meaningful effecton tourism reicept and the number of tourists increase tourism reicept.Additionally, it has been observed that structural breaks in the series anddeviations from the assumption of constant variance affect the relationshipbetween tourism reicept and economic growth. Gregory-Hansen and RALScointegration test must be used in structural break and heteroscedastic errorrespectively.Öğe Trakya’da Çeltik Üretiminin Verimine İlişkin Logit Model Denemesi(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2005) Oğuzhan, Adil; Özalp, ArzuDue to increase of the world population, demands to cereals also increase. Paddy rice, as a food source altogether with wheat, is one of the most important culture plants. Paddy rice and its processed form, rice, is one of the main food substances of the mankind. It is inevitable to increase the yield of this agricultural product. In this study, a public survey had been made in Thrace which is one of the paddy rice yielding areas, for the purpose of examining the yield of paddy rice. Data bases had been formed from gathered data. From these data, factors that influence the yield of paddy rice had been revealed, and logit functions were selected to use to predict the modelÖğe Finansal Piyasalarda Risklerin Belirlenmesinde Riske Maruz Değer Yöntemine İlişkin Bir Uygulama(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2012) Koldere Akın, Yasemin; Akduğan, UmutAs long as financial markets exist risk component is also going to exist in thesystem. What is important for firms and investors acting in financial markets isforeseeing the probable risks and to act in new positions in parallel with theseforesights, besides minimizing the risks. In this paper, recently –relating to riskmanagement- most preferred VaR value analysis methods have been examined, andVaRs have been measured in hypotetical portfolios developed by variance –covariance method.Since it has become into effect, pension mutual funds in private pensionsystem developing and emerging in Turkey are one of the factors that transmit longterm investments to capital markets.In economical researchs, it is found that revenue backed public borrowingtools correspond to low-risk funds of pension mutual funds. The results achievedfrom the calculations made in this paper are in parallel with those economicinterpretationsÖğe Türkiye-Azerbaycan Dış Ticaretini Etkileyen Faktörler (1998-2014 Dönemi)(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2017) Baghırova, Aynura; Oğuzhan, Adil; Yıldız, EmelÜlkelerarasıişbirlikleri, dünya ekonomisini bir bütüne dönüştürmektedir. Coğrafi vekültürel yakınlığı olan Türkiye ve Azerbaycan ekonomik ilişkileri, bubütünleşmede iki ülke için de önemli avantajlar sağlamakta, iki ülkenin küreselkonumlarına güç katmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye ve Azerbaycan dış ticaretilişkilerinin her iki ülke ekonomisinin büyümesine nasıl etki ettiğiniaraştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada 1998-2014 yıllarını kapsayan zamandilimine ilişkin veriler regresyon ve korelasyon analizi ile değerlendirilip,fonksiyonları elde etmek için bağımlı değişkeni etkileyen faktörler elealınmıştır. Logaritmik değerler dikkate alınarak model tahmin edilmiştir.Tahminde Azerbaycan’ın Türkiye ile ithalat ve ihracatını, aynı zamandaTürkiye’nin Azerbaycan ile ithalat ve ihracatını etkileyen değişkenler veetkileri araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada her iki ülkenin ekonomisi büyüdükçe, ikiliticari ilişkilerin de artış gösterdiği ve ülkelerin GSYİH’deki artışlarının,birbirlerini de beslediği ortaya konmuştur.Öğe Türkiye’de Uygulanan Para Politikalarının Tarımsal Üretime Etkisi: Model Denemesi(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2007) Yıldız, Emel; Oğuzhan, AdilDünyanın en eski iktisadi faaliyetlerinden olan tarımsal üretim, büyümeye, istihdama ve diğer sektörlere arz ve talep yönünden büyük katkılar sağlamaktadır. Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde tarımsal üretimde ortaya çıkan dalgalanmalar, ekonominin makro değişkenlerini de etkilemektedir. Böylece tarımsal üretim, sürdürülebilir sanayileşme ve ekonomik dengelerin kurulmasında önem arz etmektedir. Hedeflenen makro dengeleri sağlamak amacı ile kullanılan para politikası araçları, makro dengeler üzerinde olduğu gibi tarımsal üretim üzerinde de doğrudan ve dolaylı etkilere yol açmaktadır. Bu amaçla Türkiye’de 1963–2004 dönemine ait verilerden yararlanarak, uygulanan para politikalarının tarımsal üretim etkisini VAR Modeli yardımıyla analiz edilmiştir. Bu analizde tarımsal üretime etki eden faktörler olarak çiftçinin eline geçen fiyatlar, tarımsal krediler, faiz ve döviz kurları değişkenleri kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak çalışmada para politikasının diğer araçları olarak belirlenen çiftçinin eline geçen fiyatlar endeksi, döviz kuru ve faiz oranları GSMH üzerinde tarımsal krediler kadar etkili bulunmadığından, tarımsal desteklemede selektif kredilere ağırlık verilmesi daha etkili olabilecektir. Tarımsal krediler, sektörün sorunlarının giderilmesinde diğer değişkenlere göre daha önemli bulunmuştur.Öğe İşletmelerde İleri ve Ters Lojistik Karşılaştırması(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2012) Gilanlı, Elif; Altuğ, Nevin; Oğuzhan, AdilThe businesses has to take into consideration the enviromental factors owingto the fact that occured the environmental problems in the course of the time and thedepletion of natural resources. One of the most prominent examples of it is green supply chain, the effect and necessity of reverse logistics, an element of the green supply chain are due to the general problems of environmental economics. The most important areas of reverse logistics are recycling methods and reuse. Wastes obtained as a result of the supply chain, are returning back to the manufacturer as a raw material and putting into the production again. In this study, the practices of the reverse logistics on 110 producing companies operating in Trakya region is chosen with the method of convinence sampling. According to the research findings, it was determined that %30,9 of the companies highly implemented a method of reverse logictics, %66,4 partially implemented it and %2,7 has never put the reverse logictics into practice.Öğe Globalleşen Dünyada İşletmelerin Kaynak Optimizasyonunda Bayesiyen Modelinin Kullanılması(2002) Oğuzhan, Adil; Aydın, DursunGloballeşen dünyada işletmeler kendi faaliyetlerini sürdürmeleri ve ekonomik gelişmeleri yakalamaları için karlarını maksimize ve dolayısıyla maliyetlerini minimize etmeleri gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada bir işletmenin sayısal yönetim tekniklerinden Bayes karar alma tekniğinden yararlanma durumu ortaya konulmuştur. Her hangi bir imalat sanayiinde önemli bir yere sahip olan bir mamulün üretimi esnasında mamulde meydana gelen kusur oranlarına göre, mamulün imalatında kullanılan makineler üzerinde bir değişiklik yapılıp yada yapılmayacağı konusunda bir karar verilmek için karar alıcının kârlılık konusunda şüphelerini ortadan kaldırılması amacıyla istatistiksel bir yönteme dayalı olan bir örnek üzerinde durulmuştur.