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Öğe Adrenal ectopia within the wall of an ovarian serous cystadenoma(2006) Usta, Ufuk; Türkmen, Emine; Aydın, N. EnginEktopik adrenal çocuklarda nispeten sık görülen bir durumdur. En sık lokalizasyon erkek genital sistemi, özellikle de spermatik korddur. Kadın genital sistemi de ektopik adrenal dokusunun sık görüldüğü bir bölgedir, ancak over lokalizasyonu çok nadirdir. Yirmi bir yaşında kadın hasta karında şişlik, pelvik ağrı ve menstrüasyon düzensizliği nedeniyle başvurdu. Ultrasonografide sol ovarian bölgede 25 cm çaplı kistik kitle saptandı. Ameliyatla çıkartılan kist seröz sıvıyla doluydu ve duvarında 0.2 cm çapta sarı renkte nodül görüldü. Mikroskobik bakıda kist iç yüzü seröz kübik epitelle döşeliydi. Kist duvarındaki nodül ise iyi sınırlıydı ve adrenal dokudan oluşuyordu. Patolojik tanı, seröz kistadenom ve ektopik adrenal doku olarak geldi.Öğe Adrenal insufficiency caused by bilateral adrenal macrometastases: a rare case with metastatic colon cancer(Kare Publ, 2008) Cicin, Irfan; Uzunoglu, Sernaz; Karagol, Hakan; Usta, Ufuk; Temizoz, Osman; Ermantas, NilayA 42-year-old male with symptoms of weight loss, fatigue, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, hypotension and fever was referred to our hospital. A computed tomographic scan of the abdomen and pelvis showed multiple solid masses in the liver, thickened wall of sigmoid colon and bilateral solid adrenal masses, 7x5x3 cm on the right side and 6x4.5x3.5 cm on the left side. A colonoscopic examination showed tumoral mass originating from the sigmoid colon. A biopsy was performed and adenocarcinoma was diagnosed. The patient was suspected of having primary adrenal insufficiency due to bilateral adrenal macrometastases. The diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency was confirmed by levels of ACTH serum, cortisol and ACTH stimulation test. Adrenal metastases are well-recognized, but compared with the prevalence of adrenal metastases, adrenocortical insufficiency in patients with cancer seems to be rare. We report the case of a patient with both bilateral surrenal macrometastases, which is rare in colorectal cancer, and subsequent adrenal insufficiency.Öğe Assessment of Ten-Year-Long Results of Kidney Biopsies Performed on Children in the Thrace Region of Turkey(2016) Özkayın, Neşe; Çıplak, Gökçe; Usta, Ufuk; Gençhellaç, Hakan; Temizöz, OsmanBackground: Many children with kidney diseases can be diagnosed and treated without a biopsy. However, biopsy is a valuable method for the diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of children with kidney diseases. Aims: To evaluate the clinical and pathological profiles of the kidney biopsies in our department to provide epidemiological data for clinical practice. Study Design: Retrospective cross-sectional study. Methods: Kidney biopsies and patient's charts in pediatric patients performed between May 2005 and February 2015 at the Pediatric Nephrology Department, Trakya University School of Medicine were assessed retrospectively. Results: A total of 100 patients were examined. Their mean age was 9.62±4.26 years (range: 1-17 years); 54% of the patients were girls and 46% were boys. The most frequent indication for kidney biopsy was nephrotic syndrome (33%). The most common kidney disease was primary glomerulonephritis, which was observed in 65% of cases. IgA nephropathy (24%) was the most frequently observed subtype in primary glomerulonephritis groups. Secondary glomerulonephritis was diagnosed in 35% of cases. Systemic lupus erythematosus (51%) was the most frequently observed subtype in the secondary glomerulonephritis groups. Conclusion: IgA nephropathy and systemic lupus erythematosus were the most frequent primary and secondary glomerulonephritis in our region among children, respectively.Öğe ASSESSMENT OF TEN-YEAR-LONG RESULTS OF KIDNEY BIOPSIES PERFORMED ON CHILDREN IN THE THRACE REGION OF TURKEY(Springer, 2015) Ozkayin, Nese; Ciplak, Gokce; Usta, Ufuk; Genchellac, Hakan; Temizoz, Osman[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Authors and Editors of Scholarly Journals Should be Aware of Plagiarism and Its Consequences(Galenos Publ House, 2021) Usta, Ufuk; Kocak, Zafer[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Bethesda Kategori ÖBA/ÖBFL için Malignite Oranları: Tek Merkez Deneyimi(2016) Can, Nuray; Salt, Semra Aytürk; Taştekin, Ebru; Sezer, Yavuz Atakan; Çelik, Mehmet; Puyan, Fulya Öz; Usta, UfukAmaç: Tiroidnodüllerinin prevelansı yüksek olmasına rağmen, bu nodüller için malignite oranları düşüktür. Bu nedenle, cerrahi yaklaşım gerektiren malign nodülleri, benign nodüllerden ayırmak çok önemlidir. Ultrasonografi, ultrasonografi eşliğinde ince iğne aspirasyonu ve ayrıca Tiroid Sitopatolojisi için Bethesda Raporlama Sistemi tiroid nodüllerinin değerlendirilmesinde fayda sağlamaktadır. Ancak, bu sistem 'Önemi Belirsiz Atipi/ Önemi Belirsiz Foliküler Lezyon (ÖBA/ÖBFL)' olarak adlandırılan problemli bir kategori içermektedir. Bu kategori için son zamanlarda bildirilen malignite yüzdeleri %5 ile %96,7 arasında değişmektedir. Bu çalışmada merkezimizde incelenen ilk ince iğne aspirasyon tanısı ÖBA/ÖBFL olan tiroid nodüllerindeki malignite oranlarının sunulması amaçlanmaktadır. Yöntem: Yedi yıl süresince, Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Patoloji Anabilimdalı'nda (Edirne, Türkiye) incelenen hastaların tanıları (ince iğne aspirasyon ve tiroidektomi) geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: İnce iğne aspirasyon sitolojisinde ÖBA/ÖBFL tanısı alan 153 hastadan 68'inde (%44,4) histopatolojik tanı papiller tiroid karsinomu, 1'inde (%7) foliküler karsinom ve 1'inde (%7) de medüller karsinom idi. Tartışma ve Sonuç: Tiroid Sitopatolojisi için Bethesda Raporlama Sistemi bazı tanı kategorilerinde standardizasyon sağlamışsa da, ÖBA/ÖBFL kategorisi hala subjektif sitolojik kriterleri barındırmakta ve farklı çalışmalarda oldukça değişken histolojik malignite oranları bildirilmektedir. Bu nedenle, immünositokimya ve özellikle moleküler testler gibi yardımcı yöntemlerin kullanılması tiroid nodüllerinin preoperatif tanısında faydalı olabilir.Öğe BRAF V600 Mutation Profile of Metastatic Melanoma in the Thrace Region of Turkey(De Gruyter Poland Sp Zoo, 2018) Can, Nuray; Tastekin, Ebru; Deniz Yalta, Tulin; Sut, Necdet; Korkmaz, Selma; Usta, Ufuk; Oz Puyan, FulyaObjective: BRAF is the most common mutation in melanoma. The most common subtype is BRAF V600E, followed by V600K. Initially, the authors aimed to investigate whether clinicopathological features of melanoma are associated with BRAF mutations. We then aimed to present the relationships between the clinicopathological features and the mutated subtype (V600E vs V600K). Material and Method: 61 patients with metastatic malignant melanoma (affecting the lymph node or other distant sites) were selected. Patient data regarding age at the time of diagnosis, sex, metastatic site (lymph node, distant metastasis or both) and primary tumour site were obtained from the hospital's database. Tissue samples containing at least 30% tumour cells were isolated from the specimens of 61 patients (24 samples from primary tumours and 37 from metastatic foci) for BRAF analysis. Comparisons between the BRAF V600 mutation and clinicopathological and histopathological features were performed. Results: BRAF V600 mutation was detected in 34 (55.7%) patients. The subtype was BRAF V600E in 22 (64.7%) patients, BRAF V600K in 11(32.4%) patients and BRAF V600R in 1(2.9%) patient. The crucial results of the present study may be summarized as follows: i) BRAF V600 mutation was more common in older patients and tumors with BRAF V600 mutation revealed necrosis and LVI more commonly than wild-type tumors, ii) BRAF V600K mutation was more common in older patients and BRAF V600K mutated tumors exhibited ulceration more commonly than tumors with BRAF V600E mutation (close to significant). Conclusion: The BRAF V600 mutation may have interactions with prognostic clinicoptahological features of melanoma including necrosis and lymphovascular invasion. V600K mutation may be more common than expected and may have different associations with properties of the tumor such as tumor ulceration and patient age. Investigation of the mutated subtype of the BRAF gene may therefore reveal more detailed data about the management of melanoma and may also prevent missing of candidates for BRAF inhibitor therapies.Öğe Cardiac metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma in a young non-cirrhotic patient, to the left ventricle(Elsevier Espana, 2012) Tastekin, Ebru; Usta, Ufuk; Ege, Turan; Kazindir, Gokhan; Kutlu, Ali KemalHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary tumor of the liver.(1,2) The most common extrahepatic metastatic sites are lung, abdominal lymph nodes and bone, while its cardiac metastasis is rare.(2,3) Metastasis of HCC into the cardiac cavity is mostly caused by direct tumor invasion of vena cava inferior with continuous extension into the right cardiac cavity.(4,5) Right heart metastasis without invasion of inferior vena cava, which may be caused by hematogenous spread of cancer cells, is rarely reported.(6,7) This paper announces an unusual case of isolated involvement of left ventricle (LV) together with myocardial invasion of HCC. Our patient is known to be the first case with isolated HCC metastasis to the left ventricle. Strikingly, the patient was young and non-cirrhotic with negative serum HBsAg, and anti-HCV results.Öğe A case of double parathyroid adenoma mimicing intrathoracic tumor(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008) Taskiran, Bengur; Altun, Betul Ugur; Usta, Ufuk; Guldiken, Sibel; Arikan, Ender; Van Tue-Rul, ArinaAdenoma is the leading pathologic entity in primary hyperparathyroidism (85%-90%). Although brown tumors are rarely seen, they may be the initial presentation and confused with tumors of the contiguous structures. Bilateral neck exploration by an experienced surgeon is the preferred approach. However, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, and isotope scanning can delineate most cases (75%-85%). We present a man with 2 adenomas. The second tumor was not recognized until the first one was removed. Combined imaging modalities and the measurement of intraoperative parathormone did not help in identifying the second adenoma. We review the common problems associated with diagnosis and treatment of multiple parathyroid adenomas.Öğe A case of gastric adenocarcinoma with rectal metastasis in the form of linitis plastica presenting as primary rectum carcinoma(Aves Yayincilik, Ibrahim Kara, 2008) Uzunoglu, Sernaz; Cicin, Irfan; Karagol, Hakan; Tanriverdi, Oezguer; Genchellac, Hakan; Usta, UfukIt is often reported that metastases in the form of linitis plastica developed in the gastrointestinal system are rare cases and frequently the primary tumor is located in the stomach. We presented a case of gastric adenocarcinoma developing a metastasis in the rectum in the form of linitis plastica, which appeared as a primary local advanced rectum cancer. We discussed the clinical, radiological, and pathological characteristics of the intestinal metastases of gastric adenocarcinomas.Öğe Clinicopathological and molecular analyses of uterine carcinosarcomas using next-generation sequencing: A single-center experience(Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2023) Erdogan, Ezgi Genc; Yalta, Tuelin D.; Can, Nuray; Sut, Necdet; Tastekin, Ebru; Usta, Ufuk; Puyan, Fulya OzBackground: Uterine carcinosarcomas (UCS) constitute 3-4% of all uterine malignancies and 16% of deaths caused due to uterine neoplasms. Aim: In this study, we aimed to perform DNA-based mutation analysis in 12 genes (KRAS, NRAS, EGFR, C-KIT, BRAF, PDGFRA, ALK, ERBB2, ERBB3, ESR1, RAF1, PIK3CA) to determine the molecular subtypes of UCS using next-generation sequencing (NGS) in patients with aggressive UCS and poor prognosis. We aimed to compare the results of our analysis with clinicopathological data to contribute to the development of targeted therapy approaches related to the molecular changes of UCS. Materials and Methods: In this study, we included 12 cases diagnosed with uterine carcinosarcomas and examined the changes in oncogenes that play a role in UCS pathogenesis. For the analysis of mutation, the clinicopathological data were compared with the variations in the DNA-based gene panel consisting of 12 genes and 1237 variants in the UCS using the NGS method. Results: EGFR mutation was found in 91.7% of the cases, mutation in 41.7%, PDGFRA mutation in 25%, KRAS and PIK3CA mutation in 16.7%, and C-KIT mutation in 8.3% of the cases. Although no statistical significance was found between the detected mutation and clinicopathological data, it was concluded that PDGFRA mutation might be associated with advanced-stage disease development. Conclusion: This study's findings regarding different molecular types of UCS and information on oncogenesis of UCS can provide inferences for targeted therapies in the future by identifying targetable mutations representing early oncogenic events and thereby contribute toward further studies on this subject.Öğe Clinicopathological and prognostic characteristics of acral metastases in patients with malignant disease: A retrospective study(Turkish Assoc Orthopaedics Traumatology, 2021) Ciftdemir, Mert; Ustabasioglu, Fethi Emre; Colbe, Suleyman Alp; Ustun, Funda; Usta, Ufuk; Cicin, IrfanObjective: This study aimed to investigate the clinical, pathological, and prognostic characteristics of acrel metastases in patients with malignant disease and to determine the impact of different types of acral metastasis treatment on patient survival. Methods: In this retrospective study, 64 acral metastatic lesions in 46 patients (17 women, 29 men; mean age, 61.5 years; age range, 35-82 years) who were evaluated by the Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Council of our institute from 2015 to 2019 were included. The patients' primary tumor site, tumor type. localization of acrel metastases, main symptom, duration from the diagnosis of the primary tumor to the diagnosis of acral metastasis, duration from the diagnosis of acrel metastasis to death, and survival data were analyzed. The diagnosis of acral metastasis was confirmed by histopathological evaluation in 38 patients and clinical and radiological assessment of the lesions in 8 patients. The treatment type for each acral metastasis was individualized by the institutional Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Council and categorized into 3 groups: excisional surgery (amputations and resections). palliative surgery (prophylactic fixation, intralesional curettage, and bone cement augmentation), and non-surgical treatment (chemotherapy. radiotherapy, and hormone therapy). Results: A total of 16 acral metastases (25%) were identified in the upper extremity and 48 (75%) in the lower extremity. The most common primary tumor site was the lungs (32.6%), and the most common tumor type was adenocarcinoma (43.2%). The most frequent symptom and the primary reason for admission was pain (58.7%). The mean duration between the diagnosis of primary tumor and the diagnosis of acral metastasis was 19.1 (range. 0-124) months. No significant correlation was determined between the primary tumor types and duration from the diagnosis of primary tumor to the diagnosis of acral metastasis (p=0.278). Acral metastases were treated by excisional surgery in 15 (32.6%) patients, palliative surgery combined with non-surgical treatment in 10 (21.7%) patients, and only non-surgical treatment modalities in 21 (45.7%) patients. No significant correlation existed between the treatment types and patient survival (p=0.058). At the final follow-up. 30 (65.2%) patients were dead owing to the disease. The mean overall survival of the entire study group was 24.9 (range. 3-55) months. The mean duration between the diagnosis of acral metastasis and death was 7.6 (range, 3-24) months in patients who were dead owing to the disease (p=0.012). Conclusion: When the diagnosis of acral metastasis is established, it should be borne in mind that the most common primary tumor site and type are most likely the lungs and adenocarcinoma, respectively. The treatment type for acral metastasis may have no significant impact on patient survival, but the extensiveness of the disease may be a critical factor for survival.Öğe Co-Existence of Non-ossifying Fibroma and Osteoblastoma of the Tibia(Galenos Publ House, 2023) Alkan, Aykut; Ustabasioglu, Fethi Emre; Usta, Ufuk; Ciftdemir, Mert; Ustuen, Funda[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Comparison of Protective Effects of L-Carnitine and Amifostine on Radiation-induced Toxicity to Growing Bone: Histopathology and Scintigraphy Findings(Asian Pacific Organization Cancer Prevention, 2010) Yurut-Caloglu, Vuslat; Durmus-Altun, Gulay; Caloglu, Murat; Usta, Ufuk; Saynak, Mert; Uzal, Cem; Cosar-Alas, RusenPurpose: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the radioprotective efficacy of L-carnitine (LC) in growing bones in comparison to amifostine. Materials and Methods: Sixty two-week-old Wistar albino rats were randomly assigned to six equal groups: Group 1, control (CONT); Group 2, irradiation alone (RT); Group 3, amifostine plus irradiation (AMI+RT); Group 4, L-carnitine plus irradiation (LC+RT); Group 5, amifostine alone (AMI); Group 6, L-carnitine alone (LC). The rats in the AMI+RT, LC+RT and RT groups were irradiated individually with a single dose of 20 Gy to the left femur. LC (300mg/kg) and amifostine (200mg/kg) were applied 30 min before irradiation. The animals were scanned for bone area, mineral content and bone mineral density (BMD) by DEXA and the 99mTc methylene diphosphonate uptake ratio (MUR) was calculated by bone scintigraphy. Histopathological analysis of bone and cartilage was also carried out after euthanasia. Results: Pretreatment with LC or amifostine reduced the radiation-induced damage in growing bone (p=0.007 and p=0.04 respectively) and in the epiphysial cartilage (p=0.002 and p=0.015 respectively). The protective effect of LC was similar to that of amifostine on both growing bone and on the epiphysial cartilage. The mean left-femur BMD values were significantly higher in the LC+RT (p=0.02) and AMI+RT (p=0.01) groups than in the RT group. but did not differ with the two protective agents. Pretreatment with AMI (p=0.002) and LC (p=0.01) improved the MUR. Conclusions: L-carnitine is equally as effective as amifostine at protecting growing bone against single dose irradiation damage.Öğe Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation Type 2: A Case Report with Review of the Literature(De Gruyter Open Ltd, 2016) Tastekin, Ebru; Usta, Ufuk; Kaynar, Aysegul; Ozdemir, Cigdem; Yalcin, Omer; Ozyilmaz, Filiz; Kutlu, Ali KemalA congenital pulmonary airway malformation is a rare disorder of the pulmonary airway and a hamartomatous mass of disorganized lung tissues with various degrees of cystic change. A 20-year-old pregnant woman who did not have previous clinical follow-up during her pregnancy visited the gynecology department for her first check on the 19th week of gestation. The sonogram, showed severe hydrops fetalis. Laboratory findings were consistent with non-immune hydrops fetalis. Medical abortion was performed and the fetus was sent to our department for a complete fetal autopsy. Macroscopically, whole parts of the fetus had striking oedema. Massive pleural and peritoneal effusions were seen on dissection. The left lung filled the whole thoracic cavity. The heart was displaced to the right and the right lung was compressed. Microscopically, the left lung mass showed dilated bronchiole-like structures (1-20 mm) that were lined with ciliated columnar cells without any intervening mucinous cells. The subepithelial stroma contained thin, interrupted smooth muscle fibers and elastic connective tissue without cartilage plates. Our case is a very good example of non-immune hydrops fetalis associated with congenital pulmonary airway malformation type 2. Prenatal clinical and ultrasonographic follow-ups during pregnancy are very important for early diagnosis of congenital malformations.Öğe Curcumin attenuates the organ dysfunction caused by endotoxemia in the rat(Elsevier Science Inc, 2008) Memis, Dilek; Hekimoglu, Sevtap; Sezer, Atakan; Altaner, Semsi; Sut, Necdet; Usta, UfukObjective: Curcumin has antioxidant, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory properties. However, it remains unknown whether curcumin has any protective effects on sepsis. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate whether curcumin prevents organ dysfunction in animals with sepsis. Methods: Rats were randomized into four groups. The control group (group I, n = 7) did not receive any treatment. The curcumin group (group II. n = 10) only received 1.2 g/kg of curcumin. Escherichia coli were injected into the remaining groups intraperitoneally after general anesthesia. Five hours after injection, 12 rats received placebo (group III), and 10 rats received 1.2 g/kg of curcumin (group IV) for 7 d. All rats were sacrificed on postsepsis day 8 and it midline laparotomy was performed. Livers, kidneys, and small bowels were excised for evaluation of the degree of inflammation and tissue alterations histopathologically. Results: In the liver, widespread hydropic degeneration of hepatocytes were seen in the sepsis group. There was no hydropic degeneration of hepatocytes and no portal inflammation ill the sepsis/curcumin group. With respect to the small bowel, the sepsis group showed edema and prominent intraepithelial infiltration of neutrophil leucocytes and plasma cells. Inflammation and hyperemia in the lamina propria in the sepsis/curcumin group were less than those in the sepsis group, With respect to the kidneys, the sepsis group showed severe acute tubular necrosis that was more restricted in the sepsis/curcumin group than in the sepsis group. Conclusion: curcumin reduced organ dysfunction in rats with experimentally formed sepsis. We propose that curcumin may he useful in the therapy of organ dysfunction due to sepsis, shock, and other diseases associated with local or systemic inflammation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe A Destroyer Immunologic Cause in Small Cell Lung Carcinoma: Ectopic Cushing's Syndrome(Ekin Tibbi Yayincilik Ltd Sti-Ekin Medical Publ, 2010) Cicin, Irfan; Uzunoglu, Sernaz; Ermantas, Nilay; Usta, Ufuk; Temizoz, Osman; Karagol, HakanEctopic secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) related Cushing's syndrome (CS) is more frequently observed than many other paraneoplastic syndromes in patients with small cell lung cancer. Suppression of the cellular immune system in these patients is severe problem for both patients and physicians. In addition, the chemotherapy has been caused to severity and higher rate of hematological toxicity. We present a case of small cell lung cancer having a very poor prognosis, with a compressed humoral and cellular immune system due to an ectopic secretion of ACTH related CS. We report a rare case of combined immunosuppression in a case with small cell lung cancer in this paper. In addition, in the light of this special case and literature, we suggest treatment strategies for small cell lung cancer patients with CS.Öğe A destroyer immunologic cause in small cell lung carcinoma: Ectopic cushing's syndrome(2010) Çiçin, İrfan; Uzunoğlu, Sernaz; Ermantaş, Nilay; Usta, Ufuk; Temizöz, Osman; Karagöl, HakanEktopik adrenokortikotop (ACTH) salınmasına bağlı Cushing sendromu, küçük hücreli akciğer kanserli hastalarda diğer birçok paraneoplastik sendromlara göre daha sık görülür. Bu hastalarda hücresel bağışıklık sisteminin baskılanması hem hekimler hem de hastalar için önemli bir sorundur. Ek olarak kemoterapi, bu hastalarda şiddetli ve daha yüksek oranda hematolojik toksisiteye neden olmaktadır. Biz ektopik ACTH salınması ile ilişkili Cushing sendromuna bağlı humoral ve hücresel bağışıklık sistemi baskılanmış çok kötü seyirli bir küçük hücreli akciğer vakası sunduk. Ayrıca, bu özel vaka ve literatür ışığında Cushing sendrom olan küçük hücreli akciğerli hastalar için tedavi stratejileri önerdik.Öğe The effect of a flavonoid fractions diosmin plus hesperidin on radiation-induced acute proctitis in a rat model(Medknow Publications, 2011) Sezer, Atakan; Usta, Ufuk; Kocak, Zafer; Yagci, Mehmet AliBackground: To explore the protective effect of a flavonoid fractions diosmin + hesperidin (Daflon), against radiation-induced acute proctitis in an experimental rat model. Materials and Methods: Thirty four rats were divided into four groups. The rats in Group 1 received Daflon and underwent irradiation. The rats in Group 2 received no Daflon and underwent irradiation. The rats in Group 3 received Daflon and underwent sham irradiation. The rats in Group 4 received no Daflon and underwent sham irradiation. Daflon emulsion (100 mg/kg/day) was administered via an orogastric feeding tube to the rats in groups 1 and 3 starting from 1 day prior to irradiation until the euthanasia day (day 15 following irradiation). Radiation therapy was delivered on a cobalt-60 unit using a single fraction of 17.5 Gy defined at a depth of 1 cm through an anterior portal. Slides were examined by the same pathologist under a light microscope two times in a blinded manner. Results: When compared to group 2, the rats of Group 1 showed less glandular distortion and less mucosal inflammation with less infiltration of the crypt epithelia by the inflammatory cells (P < 0.001). A statistically significant increase in all parameters but muscular wall thickness was observed for the rats in Group 2 as compared to the group 3 and 4. Conclusions: Administration of a dose of 100 mg/kg/day of the diosmin + hesperidin resulted in decreased morphologic inflammatory changes. This drug may have protective effects against radiation-induced acute proctitis.Öğe The effect of dexmedetomidine on liver histopathology in a rat sepsis model: an experimental pilot study(Turkish Assoc Trauma Emergency Surgery, 2010) Sezer, Atakan; Memis, Dilek; Usta, Ufuk; Sut, NecdetBACKGROUND In this pilot study, we aimed to investigate the effect of dexmedetomidine on liver tissues during experimental sepsis by histopathological examination. METHODS The animals were allocated randomly to four groups, two of which received endotoxin. In the Sepsis Group (n:10) and Dexmedetomidine/Sepsis Group (n:10), endotoxemia was induced by E. coli lipopolysaccharide derived from E. colt 0111: B4. Animals in the Control Group (n:10) received an infusion of 0.9% saline (1.0 mL.kg(-1).hr(-1)) intravenously. The Dexmedetomidine Group (n:10) and Dexmedetomidine/Sepsis Group received a bolus injection of 0.9% saline (1.0 mL/kg), followed by dexmedetomidine administration (infusion at 5 mu g.kg(-1).hr(-1)). All rats were euthanized at the 8th hour of endotoxin infusion. Histopathological examinations were performed on liver tissues. RESULTS In the liver, central venous congestion, congestion and dilation of the hepatic sinusoids and inflammation of the portal tracts were noted in the Sepsis Group. These parameters were seen slightly in the Sepsis/Dexmedetomidine group. There was a statistically significant difference between the Sepsis and Sepsis/Dexmedetomidine Groups (p<0.001). CONCLUSION Dexmedetomidine has a protective effect on liver tissues during experimental sepsis in the rat. We propose that dexmedetomidine sedation may be useful in the therapy of the liver dysfunction associated with sepsis and in other diseases related to local or systemic inflammation.