Aba, Jane IgieIdoko, NkechiAkor, Philip Usman2019-06-142019-06-142017Aba, J , Idoko, N , Akor, P . (2017). Application of Computer Technologies to Reference Services in University and Research Institute Libraries in North Central Nigeria. Journal of Balkan Libraries Union, 5 (2), 1-9. Retrieved from http://dergipark.org.tr/jblu/issue/33916/3754272148-077Xhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14551/4116This study focuses on application of computer technologies to reference services in university and research institute libraries in North Central, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research method was used and the study covered 13 university libraries and 19 research institute libraries in North Central, Nigeria. The population of the study was 234 librarians. Sample size for this study was made up of entire population. Research instruments were a questionnaire and a checklist. Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed that computer technologies was used to a little extent for reference services (=2.07) in university libraries while in research institute libraries the grand mean of (=2.84) showed that computer technologies was highly used for the provision of reference services. The grand mean of (=2.69) revealed problems that hindered the application of computer technologies to reference services and the greatest of these was irregular supply of power in university libraries in North Central, Nigeria. Library managements should address irregular power supply; inadequate computer technology infrastructure and inadequate funding that hindered effective application of computer technologies in reference services for effective and efficient services in university and research institute libraries.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessLibrariesReference ServicesComputer TechnologiesApplication of computer technologies to reference services in university and research institute libraries in North Central NigeriaArticle5219