Inan, CihanSayin, N. CenkDolgun, Z. NihalErzincan, Selen GursoyUzun, IsilSutcu, HavvaVarol, Fusun2019-06-242019-06-242018Inan, C., Sayin, N. C., Dolgun, Z. N., Erzincan, S. G., Uzun, I., Sutcu, H., & Varol, F. (2018). The relation of fetal colon and rectum diameters with labor in healthy late-third trimester pregnancies. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 231, 54-59., Cihan (Trakya Author) Sayin, N. Cenk (Trakya Author) Dolgun, Z. Nihal (Trakya Author) Erzincan, Selen Gursoy (Trakya Author) Uzun, Isil (Trakya Author) Sutcu, Havva (Trakya Author) Varol, Fusun (Trakya Author)Objective: To investigate the associations of fetal colon-rectum diameters with labor and fetal distress or meconium passage in healthy pregnancies in the late 3rd trimester. Study design: A total of 162 healthy, singleton pregnant women at >= 36(0/7) weeks who were in the latent phase of labor (n = 69) or those not in labor (n = 93, controls) at the time of ultrasound examination were enrolled. Fetal colon (ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid) and rectum diameters, Doppler indices of materno-fetal vessels were measured. Data were analyzed according to the mode of delivery. Results: Fetal colon-rectum diameters were smaller in women in labor compared to controls (p = 0.001). Positive correlations were observed between fetal colon-rectum diameters and interval between ultrasound and labor onset in the control group except for those who had scheduled cesarean sections (C/S) (p = 0.001). Similar colon-rectum measurements were obtained in fetuses delivered via cesarean section due to fetal distress or to other indications (p>0.05). In women who had uterine contractions during ultrasound examination; later delivered by vaginal route, no association was observed between Apgar scores and colon-rectum diameters during latent-phase (p > 0.05), and also there were significant positive correlations between different segments of colon-rectum diameters and duration of neonatal meconium passage (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Fetal colon and rectum diameters are smaller during labor and the measurements tend to diminish as the labor approaches, but do not indicate fetal distress. (C) 2018 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.en10.1016/j.ejogrb.2018.10.020info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessFetusColonRectumUltrasoundFetal DistressCorticotropin-Releasing HormoneMiddle Cerebral-ArteryCortisol-LevelsStressTermIndicatorDeliveryWomenBowelTimeThe relation of fetal colon and rectum diameters with labor in healthy late-third trimester pregnanciesArticle2315459Q3WOS:0004550649000102-s2.0-8505480694330321789N/A