Kelekci, Kiymet HandanKelekci, SefaDestegul, EmreAksoy, AyhanSut, NecdetYilmaz, Bulent2024-06-122024-06-1220110011-90591365-4632 Although the causes of striae distensae (SD) remain to be elucidated, the condition is known to relate to changes in the structures that provide the skin with its tensile strength and elasticity. Objective This study was conducted to evaluate whether premature birth is a risk factor for SD. Methods A total of 15,475 parous women ranging in age from 18-45 years were interviewed between January 2007 and June 2009. After exclusion criteria were applied, a total of 1336 women were included in the study. Group 1 consisted of 1231 women of reproductive age who had been born at term. Group 2 included 105 women of reproductive age who had been born prematurely. The main outcome measure was the prevalence of SD. Results The overall prevalence of SD was 34.6% (462/1336). Mild SD was significantly more common (P < 0.01) in women who had been born prematurely (49.5%) than in women who had been born at term (31.8%). A multivariate analysis using backward stepwise logistic regression analysis identified that height, weight, gravidity, parity and abortion were found to be significantly associated with SD. Conclusions Striae distensae was significantly more common in women who had been born prematurely than in women who had been born at term.en10.1111/j.1365-4632.2011.04899.xinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessExtremely Preterm InfantsProgesterone ReplacementMenstrual-CycleSkinEstrogenEstradiolCollagenTherapyExpressionMenopausePrematurity: is it a risk factor for striae distensae?Article501012401245Q3WOS:0002951763000072-s2.0-8005318842521585350Q2