Uzunoglu, SernazCicin, IrfanKaragol, HakanTanriverdi, OezguerGenchellac, HakanUsta, Ufuk2024-06-122024-06-1220081301-3149 is often reported that metastases in the form of linitis plastica developed in the gastrointestinal system are rare cases and frequently the primary tumor is located in the stomach. We presented a case of gastric adenocarcinoma developing a metastasis in the rectum in the form of linitis plastica, which appeared as a primary local advanced rectum cancer. We discussed the clinical, radiological, and pathological characteristics of the intestinal metastases of gastric adenocarcinomas.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessGastric AdenocarcinomaRectal MetastasisIntestinal MetastasesCtDiseaseTractA case of gastric adenocarcinoma with rectal metastasis in the form of linitis plastica presenting as primary rectum carcinomaArticle252160163N/AWOS:0002582424000152-s2.0-70349097261N/A