Unurlu, Çiğdem2021-11-202021-11-2020172147-2483https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/trakyaiibf/issue/30831/279692https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/333232https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14551/6608Abstract The aim of this research is to determine which variablesof shopping orientation effects on shopping satisfaction and shopping image,thus to give recommendations to the Turkish retailers. This article documents astudy and model of the dimensions of shopping orientation associated with storeimage and shopping satisfaction The literature review part consists of three partsnamely shopping orientation and its components (shopping enjoyment, priceconsciousness and frugality, shopping antipathy, brand loyalty, confused byover choice, store loyalty, shopping confidence, and brand consciousness);store image and its components (marketing image, social image, strategicimage); and shopping satisfaction. In order to explore the relationship between shoppingorientation, store image and shopping satisfaction, a two phase research design(exploratory and descriptive) was adopted and conducted in the Turkishretailing industry. Descriptive part of the study was based on 125 responses.Results were analyzed using the SPSS 20. The multidimensional operationalizationof shopping orientation and store image allowed the testing of the relationshipbetween the dimensions of shopping orientation, dimensions of store image, andshopping satisfactioneninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessShopping OrientationStore ImageShopping SatisfactionExamination of the Effects of the Shopping Orientation on Store Image and Shopping SatisfactionArticle615570279692