Dursun, AhmetFent, Meral2024-06-122024-06-1220151584-90741842-6441https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14551/20934In this study we report new localities for Ectomocoris caucasicus Linnavuori, 1972 (Reduviidae), Aneurus (Aneurodes) avenius (Dufour, 1833) and Aradus cinnamomeas Panzer, 1806 (Aradidae), Bracitycarenus languidus (Horvath, 1891), Leptoceraea viridis Jakovlev, 1874 and Myrmus miriformis (Fallen, 1807) (Rhopalidae), Spathocera lobata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1840) (Coreidae), Alloeorhynchus flavipes (Fieber, 1836) (Nabidae), Pausias martini (Futon, 1890) and Bagrada (Nitilia) anwenula (Walker, 1870) (Pentatomidae). We give exact locality for Leptoceraea viridis in Turkey. We confirm the presence of A. avenius, a species reported in 1883 and 1918, but without any recent records till now. Spathocera lobata, Alloerhynchus flavipes, Aradus cinnamomeus and Pausias martini are new records for the Turkish Thrace (European Part of Turkey) fauna. Pausias martini, previously recorded in Anatolia (Asian Part of Turkey), is therefore considered a new record for Europe.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessEuropeTurkeyTurkish ThraceHeteropteraPausias MartiniNew RecordsHemiptera HeteropteraKelkit ValleyPentatomidaeReduviidaeStrachiiniNabidaeNotes on some little known species of heteroptera from Turkey with new records for the fauna of Europe and the Turkish ThraceArticle1119296Q4WOS:0003562009000132-s2.0-84936882530Q3