Aribal, ErkinTuncbilek, NerminCelik, Levent2024-06-122024-06-1220122149-1976 cancer is common in Turkey and the most common cause of death from cancer in women. There is not a written guide in Turkey for breast cancer screening. The first trials about mamographic screening were started in 1960's in the Western countries. The results of 8 randomised controlled trials and screening programs in these countries showed that early detection of breast cancer has reduced breast cancer mortality. The information from these experiences and knowledge in the literature show that annual mammography screening in women over the age of 40 is the most effective method. However, in national screening programs, the aim to ensure optimal benefit in respect of the resources of the country, may cause the need for different screening policies which may not correspond exactly with this guide. This guide was created on behalf of the Turkish Society of Radiology Breast Radiology Group, and recommendations for screening of healthy women and women at risk for breast cancer were established in the light of scientific data.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessBreast CancerScreeningMammographyTURKISH RADIOLOGIC SOCIETY BREAST IMAGING GROUP STANDARTS FOR BREAST CANCER SCREENINGReview Article81310N/AWOS:000218547500002