Topcu, Sacide YildizeliSoydas, DuyguOzkan, Zeynep KizilcikUnver, SeherOrgan, Esra MakalFindik, Ummu Yildiz2024-06-122024-06-1220231089-94721532-8473 This research aims to adapt the Surgical Anxiety Questionnaire (SAQ) to Turkish culture and conduct validity and reliability studies.Design: This research is a methodological study.Methods: The sample of the research consisted of 311 patients and research data were collected between April 2019 and May 2021. Findings: The scale content validity index was 0.931. As a result of the factor analysis, the items were distrib-uted in four subdimensions and explained 58.745% of the variance, and the model had good fit values. The Cronbach's a coefficient of the scale was 0.890.Conclusions: The Turkish version of SAQ is a valid and reliable measurement tool and can be used for adult patients.(c) 2022 American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.en10.1016/j.jopan.2022.06.014info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAnxietyReliabilitySurgerySurgical Anxiety QuestionnaireValidityPreoperative AnxietyInstrumentsScaleTurkish Validity and Reliability Study of the Surgical Anxiety Questionnaire for Adult PatientsArticle381127133N/AWOS:0009238925000012-s2.0-8513739270736085131Q1