Tanyeri, RukiyeYurtsever, SelcukTezcan, Serdar2024-06-122024-06-1220230939-71402326-2680https://doi.org/10.1080/09397140.2023.2279359https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14551/22355Parallel colour/pattern polymorphism has been reported in the three sympatric spittlebug species Philaenus spumarius, P. signatus and Mesoptyelus impictifrons in the Mediterranean region of Turkiye. In our study, the colour phenotypes POP (populi) and TYP (typicus) are shared by all three species, whereas the phenotypes MEL (melanocephalus), PRA (praeustus) and LCE (leucocephalus) were found only in M. impictifrons. MAR (marginellus), FLA (flavicollis) and LOP (leucophthalmus) were found only in P. signatus, and TRI (trilineatus) and LAT (lateralis) were found only in P. spumarius. In combination with previous results, we show that P. spumarius and P. signatus share all eight common phenotypes except for LAT. The genetic basis of this polymorphism is well understood only for P. spumarius, yet the evolutionary strategies governing this phenomenon found in both sympatric and allopatric populations of the three species remain unknown. As the same visible elytral colour/pattern morphs occur in all three species, it will be interesting to investigate the genetic bases of these polymorphisms with further laboratory crossbreeding experiments.en10.1080/09397140.2023.2279359info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessMelanismPhenotypic DiversityGeographic VariationPopulation GeneticsCo-EvolutionColor Pattern PolymorphismL HomopteraMolecular PhylogenyGenus PhilaenusCercopidaeFormsPopulationsOriginParallel colour/pattern polymorphism in three sympatric spittlebug species (Philaenus spumarius, P. signatus and Mesoptyelus impictifrons) (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) in Mediterranean TurkiyeArticle694384393N/AWOS:0011116281000012-s2.0-85178438096Q2