Kiran, KadriKaraman, Celal2024-06-122024-06-1220121175-53261175-5334 first annotated checklist of the ants of Turkey is presented. A total of 306 valid names of species-group taxa (286 species, 20 subspecies) is recorded based on literature records and additional newly collected material carried out since 1998. Synonyms are included. New localities are added for some poorly known species. Four species (Tapinoma subboreale, Formica georgica, Formica lugubris and Lasius balcanicus) are reported for the first time and thirteen species (Bothriomyrmex atlantis, B. meridionalis, Tapinoma madeirense, Camponotus robustus, Formica fuscocinerea, F. gagatoides, Rossomyrmex minuchae, Messor barbarus, Monomorium glabrum, M. salomonis, Myrmica vandeli, Stenamma westwoodii and Tetramorium forte) are excluded from the list of Turkish ants.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessChecklistFormicidaeAntsNew RecordTurkeyGenus Camponotus HymenopteraRossomyrmex ArnoldiRevisionMayrMountainsRecordsEmeryFirst annotated checklist of the ant fauna of Turkey (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)Article3548138Q3WOS:0003188021000012-s2.0-84869123389Q2