Küreselleşme süreçlerinin Türk sağlık sistemi'ne etkileri
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Trakya Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Bu araştırmada incelenmesi planlanan, Küreselleşme süreçlerinin Türk Sağlık Sitemine etkileridir. Bu nedenle Tez'de, Dünyada ve özellikle Türkiye'de, sağlık alanında yaşanan değişimlerin Küreselleştirme süreçleriyle ilişkisinin kapsamlı ve bilimsel olarak Halk Sağlığı bilimi ilkeleri ışığında incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma, Ekolojik bir araştırmadır. Tez verileri ulusal ve uluslararası kurum ve kuruluşların teknik raporları, literatürler, makaleler ve araştırmalardan derlenerek hazırlanmıştır. Küreselleştirmenin eldeki verilerle ilişkilendirilmesi, Küreselleştirme süreçlerinin tarihsel gelişimi ve işleyişi göz önüne alınarak, bu sürecin dünyada ve özellikle Türkiye'de sağlık alanında yaşanan değişimlerle kavramsal bağına dayandırılmıştır. Tezde, Küreselleştirmenin yeni bir süreç olmadığı, kapitalist sistem ve Yeni Dünya Düzeni'nin süregelen bir aşaması olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sürecin işleyişinde Dünya Bankası, IMF, Dünya Ticaret Örgütü'nün başlıca "görünür" aktörler oldukları açıklanmıştır. Temelde ekonomik olarak görülen bu kavramın siyasal, ekinsel, bilimsel, teknolojik alanlar başta olmak üzere sağlık dahil yaşamın her alanını etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Sağlık alanı, başlıca, ticarete konu edilerek yozlaştırılmıştır. Kamusal özelliğini kaldırılan sağlık alanı, artı değerin toplumsal yarara dönüşmediği ve parası olanın hizmeti satın aldığı bir müşteri anlayışına yönelmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Küreselleştirmenin eşitsizlikleri artırdığı, dayatılan değişimlerin varsıllara yaradığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Sağlığın çok etmenli ve kolaylıkla zedelenebilen bir alan olduğu gerçeği yinelenerek ortaya konmuştur. "Türkiye'de Nasıl Bir Sağlık Sistemi?" sorusuna verilebilecek yanıtın, sorunu yalnızca sağlık boyutuyla değil siyasal, ekonomik, sosyal, ekinsel, hukuksal hatta stratejik boyutuyla bir bütün alınarak verilebileceği kanısına varılmıştır. Sağlık Hizmeti en temel biçimiyle herkese eşit, nitelikli ve ücretsiz sunulmalıdır. Sonuç olarak; kazan unların adil bölüşüldüğü bir başka Küreselleşme önerilmektedir : Sosyalleşme. Anahtar sözcükler: Küreselleştirme, Sağlık hakkı, Sağlıkta eşitsizlikler, Yeni Dünya Düzeni, Sosyalleştirme 113
GLOBALISATION AND ITS EFFECST ON TURKISH HEALTH SYSTEM SUMMARY The issue held in this thesis is the effect of Globalization on the Turkish Health System. For this purpose, we aimed to evaluate changes in detail, both in the world and particularly in Turkey, in the field of health, and their potential relationships with the globalization procedures under the illumination of Public Health Science. This thesis is an Ecological Study. The thesis has been prepared through compiling technical reports by both national and international bodies, literature, papers and various researches. The data have been presented with tables and figures. The conceptual association of the data derived with the globalization has been based on historical development and the operating of the globalization procedures and its relationships with the changes experienced at the field of health both in the world and especially in Turkey In this thesis, it has been assessed that, the globalization is not a new process but a continuing phase of the capitalist system and the New World Order. The World Bank, The IMF and The World Trade Organization have been delineated as major "visible" actors in the operating of the process. Despite its decisive limited economic appearance, we basically assessed that, the Globalization deeply affects nearly all aspects of the life giving the priority to political, cultural, scientific, technological and legal fronts and including the health sector. The health field has mainly been degenerated by making it a subject due to free trade. The health sector as isolated from its socialized nature, has been directed to a "customer" understanding in which only payers could bought health services and the plus value could not transform into public benefit. In this thesis, a judgment has been reached on that, the changes forced by the globalization are to the benefit of the rich and inequalities get deeper. 114The reality that health is a multi-factoring, vulnerable event has been put forwarded by a repeating emphasis. The answer to the question "How Kind Health System in Turkey?" should take the problem into consideration with its political, economic, social, cultural, judicial even further strategic aspects but not only with its technical health dimension, this the opinion reached on. The health services, without any restriction, should be delivered to all equally, with quality assurance and, continuously but by no fee basis. As a conclusion, another version of the globalization is our offer to share the acquisitions more fairly, is globalization of sharing, in another word, socializing the world and the life. Key words : Globalization, The New World Order, Right to health, Health inequalities, Socialization 115
GLOBALISATION AND ITS EFFECST ON TURKISH HEALTH SYSTEM SUMMARY The issue held in this thesis is the effect of Globalization on the Turkish Health System. For this purpose, we aimed to evaluate changes in detail, both in the world and particularly in Turkey, in the field of health, and their potential relationships with the globalization procedures under the illumination of Public Health Science. This thesis is an Ecological Study. The thesis has been prepared through compiling technical reports by both national and international bodies, literature, papers and various researches. The data have been presented with tables and figures. The conceptual association of the data derived with the globalization has been based on historical development and the operating of the globalization procedures and its relationships with the changes experienced at the field of health both in the world and especially in Turkey In this thesis, it has been assessed that, the globalization is not a new process but a continuing phase of the capitalist system and the New World Order. The World Bank, The IMF and The World Trade Organization have been delineated as major "visible" actors in the operating of the process. Despite its decisive limited economic appearance, we basically assessed that, the Globalization deeply affects nearly all aspects of the life giving the priority to political, cultural, scientific, technological and legal fronts and including the health sector. The health field has mainly been degenerated by making it a subject due to free trade. The health sector as isolated from its socialized nature, has been directed to a "customer" understanding in which only payers could bought health services and the plus value could not transform into public benefit. In this thesis, a judgment has been reached on that, the changes forced by the globalization are to the benefit of the rich and inequalities get deeper. 114The reality that health is a multi-factoring, vulnerable event has been put forwarded by a repeating emphasis. The answer to the question "How Kind Health System in Turkey?" should take the problem into consideration with its political, economic, social, cultural, judicial even further strategic aspects but not only with its technical health dimension, this the opinion reached on. The health services, without any restriction, should be delivered to all equally, with quality assurance and, continuously but by no fee basis. As a conclusion, another version of the globalization is our offer to share the acquisitions more fairly, is globalization of sharing, in another word, socializing the world and the life. Key words : Globalization, The New World Order, Right to health, Health inequalities, Socialization 115
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Tıpta Uzmanlık
Tıpta Uzmanlık
Anahtar Kelimeler
Halk Sağlığı, Public Health