Çölyak trunkus varyasyonlarının çok kesitli bilgisayarlı tomografi ile değerlendirilmesi
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Trakya Üniversitesi
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Çalışmamızda çok kesitli bilgisayarlı tomografi ile çölyak trunkus varyasyonlarını saptama ve varyasyon oranlarının toplumdaki sıklığı belirlemeye çalıştık. Bu amaçla Ocak 2013 ile Aralık 2016 tarihleri arasında anabilim dalımıza başvuran ve çölyak trunkus ile dallarının değerlendirilebildiği çok kesitli bilgisayarlı tomografi cihazı ile anjiyografi tetkiki yapılmış olan 18 yaş üstü 303 kadın,806 erkek toplam 1109 hastanın görüntüleri retrospektif olarak incelendi. İş istasyonunda önce bilgisayarlı tomografi anjiyografi incelemesi ile elde edilen aksiyel görüntüler değerlendirildi. Takiben koronal, sagittal ve üç boyutlu reformatları dikkatli şekilde incelendi. Çölyak trunkus ve ana dalları ayrıntılı şekilde değerlendirilerek Uflacker sınıflamasına göre sınıflandırıldı. Araştırmamızda en sık klasik tip (Uflacker Tip I ) çölyak trunkus saptanmıştır. Klasik tip çölyak trunkus hastalarımızın %89.6' sında izlenmiştir. En sık tespit ettiğimiz varyasyon hepatosplenik trunkus (Uflacker tip II ) olup %4.8, en az tespit ettiğimiz varyasyon hepatogastrik trunkus (Uflacker tip III) olup hastalardaki sıklığı yaklaşık %0.3 bulunmuştur. Hastalarımızda çölyokolik trunkus (Uflacker tip VII) ve hepatosplenomezenterik trunkus (Uflacker tip IV) varyasyonları ise saptanmamıştır. Çok kesitli bilgisayarlı tomografi'nin abdominal cerrahi ve girişimsel işlemlerde, işlemleri güçleştirebilecek ve komplikasyonlara neden olabilecek vasküler varyasyonlarının saptanmasında ve preoperatif haritalamanın sağlanmasında noninvaziv bir yöntem olarak oldukça faydalı bir yöntem olduğu görülmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: Çölyak trunkus, bilgisayarlı tomografi, varyasyon.
In our study, we tried to determine the cealiac truncus variations by multislice computerized tomography and to determine the frequency of variations in the population. For this purpose, patients who applied to Radiology Departmant between January 2013 to December 2016 were included in the study. Computerized tomography angiography was examined with computerized tomography device celiac truncus and its branches were examined retrospectively (1109 total patients; 303 female and 806 male). Axial images obtained by computerized tomography angiography examination were evaluated at the workstation. Subsequently, the coronal, sagittal and three-dimensional reformatts were carefully examined. Celiac truncus and main branches were classified according to Uflacker's classification in detail. The most common classical type (Uflacker Type I) celiac truncus was detected in our study. Classical celiac truncus was observed in 89.6% of our patients. The most common variation was hepatosplenic truncus (Uflacker type II), which was 4.8%, the least variation was hepatogastric truncus (Uflacker type III) and the frequency in patients was about 0.3%. Variations of the celiac colonic truncus (Uflacker type VII) and hepatosplenomezenteric truncus (Uflacker type IV) were not detected in our patients. It has shown that multislice computerized tomography is very useful as a noninvasive method in preoperative mapping and the detection of vascular variations that can complicate procedures and cause complications in abdominal surgery and interventional procedures. Key words: Cealiac truncus, computerized tomography, variation.
In our study, we tried to determine the cealiac truncus variations by multislice computerized tomography and to determine the frequency of variations in the population. For this purpose, patients who applied to Radiology Departmant between January 2013 to December 2016 were included in the study. Computerized tomography angiography was examined with computerized tomography device celiac truncus and its branches were examined retrospectively (1109 total patients; 303 female and 806 male). Axial images obtained by computerized tomography angiography examination were evaluated at the workstation. Subsequently, the coronal, sagittal and three-dimensional reformatts were carefully examined. Celiac truncus and main branches were classified according to Uflacker's classification in detail. The most common classical type (Uflacker Type I) celiac truncus was detected in our study. Classical celiac truncus was observed in 89.6% of our patients. The most common variation was hepatosplenic truncus (Uflacker type II), which was 4.8%, the least variation was hepatogastric truncus (Uflacker type III) and the frequency in patients was about 0.3%. Variations of the celiac colonic truncus (Uflacker type VII) and hepatosplenomezenteric truncus (Uflacker type IV) were not detected in our patients. It has shown that multislice computerized tomography is very useful as a noninvasive method in preoperative mapping and the detection of vascular variations that can complicate procedures and cause complications in abdominal surgery and interventional procedures. Key words: Cealiac truncus, computerized tomography, variation.
Tıpta Uzmanlık
Anahtar Kelimeler
Radyoloji ve Nükleer Tıp, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine