Selektif T-tipi kalsiyum kanal antagonisti mibefradilin antikonvülsan etkisinin değerlendirilmesi
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Trakya Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
7. ÖZET Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalarda, T-tipi kalsiyum kanal akımlarının absans epilepside önemli bir rolü olduğu gösterilmiştir. Bu araştırmada selektif T-tipi kalsiyum kanal antagonisti miberradil'in doz bağımlı aşın vazodilatasyon ve hipotansif etkisi ile kan beyin engelini geçerek antikonvülsif etki gösterebileceği çalışıldı. MibefradiPin antikonvülsif etkisi klasik tarama testlerinden maksimal elektroşok ve pentilentetrazol testleri ile değerlendirildi. Bu çalışmada her bir model için fareler altı gruba ayrıldı. Bu gruplardan beşi miberradil'in beş farklı dozajım her bir model için test etmek için, biri kontrol gurubu olarak oluşturuldu (n=20). Mibefradil 0.1, 1, 5, 10 ve 100 mg /kg dozlarında i.p. olarak uygulandı, îlaç verildikten 1 saat sonra 60 Hz, 0.2 sn süre ve 4 milisaniye darbe genişliği, 50 mA akım şiddetinde kare dalga akım uygulanarak maksimal elektrokonvülsif nöbet oluşturuldu. Bu deneyin sonucunda mibefradil elektrokonvülsif nöbetlere karşı etkisiz bulundu (p=0.08). Pentilentetrazol modelinde nöbet oluşturmak için 60 mg/kg pentilentetrazol i.p. olarak uygulandı. Mibefradil 0.1, 1, 5, 10 ve 100 mg/kg dozlarında verildikten 1 saat sonra pentilentetrazol verildi. Pentilentetrazol verilen fareler 30 dakika videoya kaydedilerek gözlendiler. İlacın antikonvülsif etkisi nöbetin başlangıç süresine göre ve konvülsiyon skorlaması yapılarak değerlendirildi. Pentilentetrazol modelinde mibefradil konvülsiyonlan önlemedi. Doz artıkça klonik nöbetlerde bir azalma gözlense de bu istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi (p=0.735). Ancak ilaç 100 mg/kg dozunda, kontrol ve 0.1 mg/kg mibefradil grubuna göre nöbetin başlama süresini (latent periyodu) önemli bir derecede artırdı (p=0.045). Mibefradil pentilentetrazol nöbetlerine karşı düşük derecede bir antikonvülsan etki gösterdi. Mibefradil lokomotor aktiviteyi değiştirmedi. Düşük dozlarda motor koordinasyonu iyileştirdi. Ancak yüksek dozlarda motor koordinasyonu ileri derecede bozdu (100 mg/kg). Anahtar Kelimeler: Mibefradil, T-tipi kalsiyum kanal antagonisti, Antikonvülsan, Kan beyin engeli, Fare 45
8. SUMMARY Recently, it has been shown that T-type calcium channel currents have an important role in absence epilepsy. In this investigation, it has been studied that mibefradil, selective T- type calcium channel antagonist can cross the blood brain barrier and show anticonvulsive effect by breaking down blood brain barrier via its excess vazodilatation and hypotensive effect depending on dosages. Anticonvulsive effect of mibefradil has been valued by classical screening tests maximal electro-shock and pentylenetetrazole tests. In this study six group of mice have been formed for each model. Five of this groups have been formed to test five different dosage of mibefradil for each model and one of the group have been served as control group (n=20). Mibefradil has been administered as i.p. in 0.1, 1, 5, 10 and 100 mg/kg dosages. One hour after the drug administration, maximal electro- shock convulsive seizure has been induced by applying square currents of 60 Hz frequency, at 50 mA, with 4 ms pulse width for 0.2 second. Result of this experiment show that mibefradil is ineffective to maximal electro convulsive seizure (p=0.08). In pentylenetetrazole model, pentylenetetrazole 60 mg/kg has been administered as i.p. to induce seizure. Pentylenetetrazole has been applied to six of the groups one hour later than mibefradil has been administered. Pentylenetetrazole administered mice have been observed for 30 minute by recording video camera. Anticonvulsive effect of the drug has been evaluated by convulsion scorring and seizure starting period. Mibefradil did not prevent the convulsion in pentylenetetrazole model. Although some reduction has been observed in clonic seizures as the dosage increased, this has not been meaningful statistically (p=0.735). However, the drug has increased the seizure starting period (latent period) significantly in 100 mg/kg dosage comparing with the control and 0.1 mg/kg mibefradil group (p=0.045). Mibefradil has shown a low anticonvulsant effect against pentylenetetrazole seizures. Mibefradil did not change the locomotor activity. Mibefradil has enhanced motor coordination in low dosages. But it has impaired motor coordination in high dosage (100 mg/kg). Key words: Mibefradil, T-type calcium channel antagonist, Anticonvulsant, Blood brain barrier, Mice 46
8. SUMMARY Recently, it has been shown that T-type calcium channel currents have an important role in absence epilepsy. In this investigation, it has been studied that mibefradil, selective T- type calcium channel antagonist can cross the blood brain barrier and show anticonvulsive effect by breaking down blood brain barrier via its excess vazodilatation and hypotensive effect depending on dosages. Anticonvulsive effect of mibefradil has been valued by classical screening tests maximal electro-shock and pentylenetetrazole tests. In this study six group of mice have been formed for each model. Five of this groups have been formed to test five different dosage of mibefradil for each model and one of the group have been served as control group (n=20). Mibefradil has been administered as i.p. in 0.1, 1, 5, 10 and 100 mg/kg dosages. One hour after the drug administration, maximal electro- shock convulsive seizure has been induced by applying square currents of 60 Hz frequency, at 50 mA, with 4 ms pulse width for 0.2 second. Result of this experiment show that mibefradil is ineffective to maximal electro convulsive seizure (p=0.08). In pentylenetetrazole model, pentylenetetrazole 60 mg/kg has been administered as i.p. to induce seizure. Pentylenetetrazole has been applied to six of the groups one hour later than mibefradil has been administered. Pentylenetetrazole administered mice have been observed for 30 minute by recording video camera. Anticonvulsive effect of the drug has been evaluated by convulsion scorring and seizure starting period. Mibefradil did not prevent the convulsion in pentylenetetrazole model. Although some reduction has been observed in clonic seizures as the dosage increased, this has not been meaningful statistically (p=0.735). However, the drug has increased the seizure starting period (latent period) significantly in 100 mg/kg dosage comparing with the control and 0.1 mg/kg mibefradil group (p=0.045). Mibefradil has shown a low anticonvulsant effect against pentylenetetrazole seizures. Mibefradil did not change the locomotor activity. Mibefradil has enhanced motor coordination in low dosages. But it has impaired motor coordination in high dosage (100 mg/kg). Key words: Mibefradil, T-type calcium channel antagonist, Anticonvulsant, Blood brain barrier, Mice 46
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology