Trakya bölgesindeki primer hipertansiyonlularda metabolik yapı ve değiştirilebilir etmenlerle ilişki
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Trakya Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Çalışmamızda, hedef organ hasarının gelişmediği erken dönem hipertansiyonlularda ateroskleroz gelişimi ile ilişkili göstergelerden lipid profili (total kolesterol, trigliseid, LDL, HDL, Lp(a) ), insülin direnci, glukoz toleransı, leptin, homosistein, folik asid, vitamin B12 düzeylerini inceleyerek metabolik yapı ve ateroskleroz gelişimiyle ilişkisi ve obezite, tuz, sigara kullanımı gibi değiştirilebilir etmenlerle ilişkisinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Organ komplikasyonu gelişmemiş, ortalama sistolik kan basıncı 157,2 ±11,9 mmHg, diyastolik kan basıncı 97,7 ± 7,8 mmHg, bilinen hipertansiyon süreleri 25,2 ± 37 ay, ortalama vücut kitle indeksi 28 ± 3,4 kg/m2 olan 31 'i kadın, 29'u erkek toplam 60 hipertansiyondu ile 18'i kadın, 27'i erkek toplam 45 sağlıklı birey çalışmaya alındı. Hipertansiyona sıklıkla eşlik eden insülin direnci ve hiperinsülinemi metabolik bozuklukların oluşmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Hiperinsülinemi sempatik aktivite artışı, sodyum tutulumuyla kan basıncını artırmaktadır. Genetik yatkınlığın yanı sıra beslenme alışkanlıkları, doymuş yağ içeriği yüksek, fazla tuzlu ve düşük potasyum içerikli diyetle beslenme, fazla alkol tüketimi, sigara, obezite, sedanter yaşam metabolik bozuklukları ve hipertansiyon gelişimini hızlandırmaktadır. Yaşam biçiminin düzenlenmesine yönelik önlemlerle hipertansiyon gelişimi ve komplikasyonları azaltılabilmektedir. İnsülin direnci ve hiperinsülinemi çok düşük dansiteli lipoprotein salınımında artışa, lipoprotein lipaz aktivitesindeki düşmeyle yüksek dansiteli lipoproteinde azalmaya neden olmaktadır. Hipertansiyonun erken döneminde gözlenen bu aterojenik lipid profili total kolesterol, trigliserid, düşük dansiteli lipoprotein ve apolipoprotein B'de artma, antiaterojenik yüksek dansiteli lipoprotein ve apolipoprotein Al' de azalma şeklindedir. Aterojenik ve prokoagulan özelliği olan lipoprotein(a)'da hipertansiyonda artmaktadır. Sonuçta ateroskleroz gelişimiyle organ hasan ve komplikasyonlar artmaktadır. Homosistein metiyonin 83metabolizması sırasında oluşmakta ve endotel disfonksiyonu ve haşarıyla hipertansiyonu ve aterosklerozu hızlandırmaktadır. Leptin gıda alınımını azaltan ve sempatik stimülan etkiyle enerji harcanımını artıran yağ dokusunda üretilen hormondur. Leptin' e direnç gelişimiyle obezitenin artacağı ve insüline direnç gelişebileceği ve sempatik aktivite artışıyla kan basıncının artacağı belirtilmiştir. Hastalarda ailede hipertansiyon öyküsü (%86,6) kontrol grubundan (%51,1) yüksekti. Hastalarımızda sistolik kan basıncı değerinin yaşla artış gösterdiği, kadınlara oranla erkeklerde hemoglobin, hematokrit, trigliserid, ürik asid, homosistein, C-peptid değerlerinde anlamlı, total kolesterol ve bazal insülin değerlerinde anlamlı olmamakla birlikte yükseklik saptandı. Hasta grubunda lipid profilinde anlamlı olmayan total kolesterol, trigliserid, düşük dansiteli lipoprotein ve lipoprotein (a) 'da artma, yüksek dansiteli lipoproteinde düşüklük gözlendi. 24 hastada iki hafta süreyle verilen 90 mmol/gün sodyum içeren tuz kısıtlı diyetle sistolik kan basıncında 16 mmHg ve diyastolik kan basıncında 8 mmHg anlamlı düşüş gözlendi. Sigara içenlerde hemoglobin, hematokrit, ürik asid değerlerinin yüksek olduğu, sigara içimi ile hemoglobin, hematokrit, trigliserid, insülin ve HOMA-IR'nin pozitif korelasyon gösterdiği görüldü. Hasta grubunda kontrol grubundan anlamlı şekilde yüksek %20 bozulmuş glukoz toleransı, %3 8,3 'ünde metabolik sendrom, %48,3'ünde insülin direnci ve %40 abdominal obezite saptandı. Hasta grubunda vücut kitle indeksinin, bel çevresi, bel/kalça oranı ve triseps cilt kalınlığının kontrol grubundan yüksekliği ve antropometrik verilerin insülin ve insülin direnciyle pozitif korelasyonu metabolik bozulmada yağ kitle artışının daha önemli olduğunu göstermektedir. Homosistein ve leptin düzeylerinde hasta ve kontrol grubunda farklılık saptanmadı. Özetle, çalışmaya alınan hipertansiyonlularda belirgin şekilde metabolik bozukluğun oluştuğunu, değiştirilemez özellikteki yaş, cins ve genetik yapının yanı sıra beslenme ve yaşam şekliyle ilişkili olan vücut yağ kitlesindeki artış, tuz ve sigara kullanımı gibi değiştirilebilir özellikteki risk etmenleri ile metabolik bozulmanın ilişkili olduğu gözlendi. Bulgularımız Trakya Bölgesindeki hafif ve orta derece hipertansiyonlulardaki erken evrede oluşan metabolik bozuklukların yaşam biçimi düzenlenmesiyle değiştirilebilecek özellikteki obezite, sigara ve tuz alımının azaltılmasıyla geriletilebileceğini düşündürmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Primer Hipertansiyon, insülin direnci, homosistein, leptin, lipid profili 84
METABOLIC STATUS AND IT'S RELATIONSHIP WITH CHANGEABLE RISK FACTORS OF ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION AT THARACE REGION SUMMARY In our study we planned to detect the relationship of the factors in development of atherosclerosis in the early period with no end organ damaged hypertensive individuals by checking lipid profile (total cholestrol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein and lipoprotein(a)), insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, leptin, homocystein, folic acid, vitamin B12 levels in metabolic structure and it's relationship with changeable risk factors such as obesity, salt intake and smoking. We have taken patiens with no organ complication, mean systolic blood pressure 157,2 ±11.9 mmHg, mean diastolic blood pressure 97,7 ± 7.8 rnmHg, with a known hypertension periods 25,2 ± 37 months, mean body mass index 28 ± 3.4 kg/m2, 31 females, 36 males a total of 60 cases and 18 females, 27 males a total of 45 healthy people taken to study. The insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia which is mostly observed with together with hypertension, plays an important role in the development of metabolic disturbances. Hyperinsulinemia increases blood pressure by stimulating sympathetic activity and sodium reabsorbsion in kidney. The accelerators of metabolic disturbances and hypertension development besides the genetic tendencies are eating habbits, alcohol over consumption, high rate saturated lipids, salty or low potassium containing diet, smoking, obesity, sedantary life style. Hypertension development and it's complications may be reduced by regulating the life style. 85Insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia causes very low density lipoprotein release increase, and by a reduction in the activity of lipoprotein lipase high density lipoproteins decrease. This atherogenic lipid profile which is observed in the early period of hypertension increases in total cholestrol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein and apolipoprotein B, and decreases in antiatherogenic high density lipoprotein and apolipoprotein Al. Lipoprotein (a) which has atherogenic and procoagulant properties is also increased in hypertension. In the end with the atherosclerotic development organ damage and complications increase. Homocystein is formed during the methionin metabolism and accelerates the hypertension and atherosclerosis by endothelial dysfunction and damage. Leptin is a hormone which reduces the food intake and also by sympathetic stimulant effect increases the energy consumption. By leptin resistance it is declared that obesity and insuline resistance increases. Family history of hypertension was observed 86,6% in patients group and 51,1% in control group. We detected that systolic blood pressure increased by the age. Heamoglobine, heamatocrit, triglyceride, uric acid, homocystein, C-peptide is meaningfully increased in men. Total cholestrol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein and lipoprotein (a) which are unmeaningful increased and HDL decreased in patients group. In our study in 24 cases with 2 weeks of 90 mmol restricted daily sodium intake a meaningful reduction in systolic blood pressure 16 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure 8 mmHg is observed. In smokers heamoglobine, heamatocrit, uric acid values were high, and we observed a positive correlation between smoking and heamoglobine, heamatocrit, triglyceride, insulin, and HOMA-IR. In patient population we detected a meaningfully increased 20% glucose intolarance, %38,3 had metabolic syndrome, 48.3%) had insuline resistance and 40% had abdominal obesity. In patient population body mass index, waist circumfarance, waist/hip ratio and triceps skin thickness were higher than the control group and antropometric datas had a positive correlation with insulin and insulin resistance. That showed lipid mass increase was more important in metabolic degeneration. We showed that metabolic abnormalities in hypertension is associated with smoking, obesity and salt in diet, all of them is changable with life style modification. No differance detected in homocystein and leptin levels in patients and control groups. Key words : Primary Hypertension, insuline resistance, homocystein, leptin, lipid profile 86
METABOLIC STATUS AND IT'S RELATIONSHIP WITH CHANGEABLE RISK FACTORS OF ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION AT THARACE REGION SUMMARY In our study we planned to detect the relationship of the factors in development of atherosclerosis in the early period with no end organ damaged hypertensive individuals by checking lipid profile (total cholestrol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein and lipoprotein(a)), insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, leptin, homocystein, folic acid, vitamin B12 levels in metabolic structure and it's relationship with changeable risk factors such as obesity, salt intake and smoking. We have taken patiens with no organ complication, mean systolic blood pressure 157,2 ±11.9 mmHg, mean diastolic blood pressure 97,7 ± 7.8 rnmHg, with a known hypertension periods 25,2 ± 37 months, mean body mass index 28 ± 3.4 kg/m2, 31 females, 36 males a total of 60 cases and 18 females, 27 males a total of 45 healthy people taken to study. The insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia which is mostly observed with together with hypertension, plays an important role in the development of metabolic disturbances. Hyperinsulinemia increases blood pressure by stimulating sympathetic activity and sodium reabsorbsion in kidney. The accelerators of metabolic disturbances and hypertension development besides the genetic tendencies are eating habbits, alcohol over consumption, high rate saturated lipids, salty or low potassium containing diet, smoking, obesity, sedantary life style. Hypertension development and it's complications may be reduced by regulating the life style. 85Insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia causes very low density lipoprotein release increase, and by a reduction in the activity of lipoprotein lipase high density lipoproteins decrease. This atherogenic lipid profile which is observed in the early period of hypertension increases in total cholestrol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein and apolipoprotein B, and decreases in antiatherogenic high density lipoprotein and apolipoprotein Al. Lipoprotein (a) which has atherogenic and procoagulant properties is also increased in hypertension. In the end with the atherosclerotic development organ damage and complications increase. Homocystein is formed during the methionin metabolism and accelerates the hypertension and atherosclerosis by endothelial dysfunction and damage. Leptin is a hormone which reduces the food intake and also by sympathetic stimulant effect increases the energy consumption. By leptin resistance it is declared that obesity and insuline resistance increases. Family history of hypertension was observed 86,6% in patients group and 51,1% in control group. We detected that systolic blood pressure increased by the age. Heamoglobine, heamatocrit, triglyceride, uric acid, homocystein, C-peptide is meaningfully increased in men. Total cholestrol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein and lipoprotein (a) which are unmeaningful increased and HDL decreased in patients group. In our study in 24 cases with 2 weeks of 90 mmol restricted daily sodium intake a meaningful reduction in systolic blood pressure 16 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure 8 mmHg is observed. In smokers heamoglobine, heamatocrit, uric acid values were high, and we observed a positive correlation between smoking and heamoglobine, heamatocrit, triglyceride, insulin, and HOMA-IR. In patient population we detected a meaningfully increased 20% glucose intolarance, %38,3 had metabolic syndrome, 48.3%) had insuline resistance and 40% had abdominal obesity. In patient population body mass index, waist circumfarance, waist/hip ratio and triceps skin thickness were higher than the control group and antropometric datas had a positive correlation with insulin and insulin resistance. That showed lipid mass increase was more important in metabolic degeneration. We showed that metabolic abnormalities in hypertension is associated with smoking, obesity and salt in diet, all of them is changable with life style modification. No differance detected in homocystein and leptin levels in patients and control groups. Key words : Primary Hypertension, insuline resistance, homocystein, leptin, lipid profile 86
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Tıpta Uzmanlık
Tıpta Uzmanlık
Anahtar Kelimeler
Nefroloji, Nephrology