Benign pnömoperiton: Olgu sunumu
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Fleksibl kolonoskopi kolon patolojilerinin tanı, tedavi ve takibinde kullanılan en iyi yöntem olarak kabul edilmektedir. Kolonoskopi sonrası karın ağrısından yakınan her hastada, perforasyondan şüphelenilmelidir. Kolonoskopi sonrası perforasyon sıklığı tanısal amaçlı yapılan kolonoskopide %0.01 ile %0.4 arasında değişmektedir. Yaygın peritoneal irritasyon bulguları olması durumunda cerrahi girişim şarttır. Erken cerrahi girişim birçok yazar tarafından mortalite ve morbiditeyi azaltan en iyi stratejik yaklaşım olarak görülmektedir. Seçilmiş olgularda, peritoneal irritasyon bulguları olmaması durumunda ameliyatsız (non-operative) yaklaşım denenebilir. Geniş olgu çalışmaları incelendiğinde ameliyatsız yaklaşılan olguların tüm kolonik perforasyon olgularının ortalama %1 ila %5'ini oluşturduğu görülmektedir. Bu yazıda, kolonoskopi sonrasında intraperitoneal alanda serbest gaz tespit edilen ve ameliyatsız tedavi edilen olgu sunuldu.
Flexible colonoscopy is the gold standard in diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of colonic pathologies. The acute onset of abdominal pain after colonoscopy may be a clinical sign of colonic perforation. Perforation rate after diagnostic colonoscopies varies between 0.01%-0.4%. If the patient develops signs of peritoneal irritation, the surgical intervention is obligatory. According to the literature, early surgical treatment is the best strategic approach that decreases the morbidity and mortality. Nonoperative treatment could be a choice in selected patients without signs of peritoneal irritation. In large colonoscopy series, only 1-5% of the cases with colonic perforation secondary to the colonoscopy were treated conservatively. We reported a case with colonic perforation after diagnostic colonoscopy which we successfully treated nonoperatively without further need of surgery.
Flexible colonoscopy is the gold standard in diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of colonic pathologies. The acute onset of abdominal pain after colonoscopy may be a clinical sign of colonic perforation. Perforation rate after diagnostic colonoscopies varies between 0.01%-0.4%. If the patient develops signs of peritoneal irritation, the surgical intervention is obligatory. According to the literature, early surgical treatment is the best strategic approach that decreases the morbidity and mortality. Nonoperative treatment could be a choice in selected patients without signs of peritoneal irritation. In large colonoscopy series, only 1-5% of the cases with colonic perforation secondary to the colonoscopy were treated conservatively. We reported a case with colonic perforation after diagnostic colonoscopy which we successfully treated nonoperatively without further need of surgery.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tıbbi Araştırmalar Deneysel, Cerrahi
Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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