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Öğe Joseph Boulogne, the Chevalıer de st George: much forgotten black composer of the 18th century France(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2021) Hoşçan, BaharJoseph Boulogne, the Chevalier de St George is one of the interesting and fascinating characters of the 18th century France. He was one of the first black musicians of his time. He was a master of fencing, a classical music composer, personal music teacher to Marie Antoinette, an active abolitionist and a colonel to the Legion of Saint Georges, the first black regiment formed in France and Europe. The aim of this research to introduce this mostly forgotten and underestimated violinist and composer to the reader. Among the research done in the course of this work, very little information was found in Turkish about this black composer. To be precise a badly translated version of what is found on Wikipedia. It is hoped that this black composer will be introduced and his works will be of interest to the readersÖğe Keman Öğretiminde Müzikaliteyi Etkileyen Temel Faktörler(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2006) Tarkum, ErolKeman öğretimi sürecinde, müzikalitenin biçimlenmesindeki en önemli faktörlerden biri, yeterli bir çalgı tekniğidir. Yay tekniği, vibrato ve entonasyon, nitelikli bir ses elde edilmesinde önemli rol oynamakta, üretilen sesin niteliği ise müzikalite açısından belirleyici faktörlerden biri olmaktadır. Diğer taraftan, keman öğrencilerinin eserlerin sanatsal içeriklerini kavrayabilmeleri ve müziksel ifade araçlarını kullanabilmeleri gerekir. Keman öğretimi, tüm bu faktörler dikkate alınarak yürütülmelidirÖğe Johannes Brahms’ın Müziği ve Op. 120 Mi Bemol Majör Klarinet Sonatının Form ve Armonik Yapısının İncelenmesi(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2015) Çalışkan, VahdetIn this study, Johannes Brahms’ musical development and harmonic structure of his op: 120 E-flat major clarinet sonata, in which he reflected his musical character, have been studied. Lived between 1833-1897, famous German composer Johannes Brahms integrated romantıc and classic perıod music in his work. Although Johannes Brahms’ creativity was under influence of W. A. Mozart, L. V. Beethoven, J. Haydn, he composed his own Works with his peculiar approach and intelligence. Johannes Brahms reflected his musical character and imaginatıonal enthuasisticly in his symphony, lied, chorus music, chamber music, orchestra and piano works. The first part of Op:120 E-flat major clarinet sonata, Which includes rhythmic changes hidden under complex harmonies and melodic pattern s in sonata allegro form. E-flat minor was used in the second part as tonal area. When the form is considered, it is in the form of A-B-A great three part song. The Structure of the last part of the work was shaped as five variatıon and coda. The exemplification of his musical style and the form of his op:120 E-flat major clarinet sonata will contribute to contemporary performers.Öğe Barok Dönem Müziği ve Barok Dönemde Obua(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2018) Tan, ZerrinBu araştırmada, klasik müziğin kendikimliğinin en gelişkin ilk görünümüne eriştiği Barok dönem ve müziği, Barokmüzik stilinin tarihsel gelişimi ve Barok dönem müziğindeki obuanın gelişimi veönemi anlatılmaktadır. Araştırmada, verilerin toplanması ve çözümü ile Barokdönemin, müzik tarihi içerisinde 1600 ile 1750 yılları arasındaki operadenemeleriyle başladığı, J.S.Bach’ın ölümüyle sona erdiği ve tüm müziktürlerinde günümüze kadar kalıcı olan değişikliklerin oluşmasına neden olduğusaptanmıştır. Çalgı Müziğinin de opera kadar önem kazandığı, eski çalgılarçağın coşkun tınılarını sunmak üzere zenginleştirilip, sesleri büyütülmüş vezamanla değişime uğradığı gözlenmiştir. Bunlardan tahta üflemeliler den obuabarok dönem çerçevesinde incelenmiş, o dönemin sonunda tamamen orkestralardaçalınabilecek bir seviyeye geldiği, hatta vazgeçilmez olduğu görülmektedir.Öğe Türk Müziği ve Batı Müziğinin Yapısal Özellikleri ve Çokseslilik Açısından İncelenmesi(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2018) Tarkum, ErolGeleneksel Türkmüziğinin makamsal yapısı, Batı müziğinin ise tonaliteye dayanan yapısı bumüziklerin en temel özellikleri olmuş, çokseslilik ise hem Türk müziğine, hem de Batı müziğine gelişmeye açık yeniboyutlar kazandırmıştır. Doğu ve Batı müziği tarihsel süreç içerisinde müziği zenginleştirenbireşimlere kaynaklık etmiş, bubireşimlerin bir yönünü de geleneksel Türk müziğinden kaynaklanan unsurlarınçoksesli yeni bir yapı içerisinde işlenmesi oluşturmuştur.Öğe Keman Eğitimi Açısından İlköğretim Çağındaki Çocuklarda Fiziksel ve Zihinsel Gelişim(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2005) Tarkum, ErolThis study is based on the relation between the physical and the mental development of primary school children and violin education.There should be balance between these two process,therefore,the basic subjects of the violin education whose concept is appropriate to child’s development process should be taken into accountÖğe L.V. Beethoven’nın Keman-Piyano Sonatlarının Keman Çalma Teknikleri Açısından Genel Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2008) Zafer, Ahmet HamdiL.V. Beethoven’s piano and violin sonatas take place among the examples of hardest and the most important sonatas of violin literature. This sonatas have some own difficultiesby the point of Legato, Spiccato, Trill, Oktav, Pizzicato, Detache, Arpej, Entonation, müzikalite and getting differences, and they have an educational way .It is very important fort he violinists to practise the playing techniques in the correct style; to examine them to Beethoven’s musical ideasÖğe Trakya Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvarı’ndaki Yaylı Çalgılar Eğitiminin Değerlendirilmesi(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2005) Tarkum, ErolIn this study,it is put forth the experience in Trakya State Conservatory that is established excluding the big centres such as Ankara,İstanbul,İzmir and the problems in this experience and it is proposed some solutions to these problems in terms at the strings instruments.It is required more systematic and planned consideration and solutions to the problems.Otherwise,it is inferred that the conservatories,except the ones in big centres,will establish with the potential problems and their development will depend on chanceÖğe W.A.Mozart’ın Sol Major ve Re Major Flüt Konçertolarına Genel Bir Bakış(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2016) Önver Zafer, ÇisemThis study explains the currents preparing classical period, music in the classical period and the development of flute in the classical period. This study provides information on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s KV. 313 g major and KV. 314 d major flute concertos. Mozart’s concertos in g major and d major are of great importance for the flute artists and students. Indeed, there are scarcely any flute students, who do not play these two concertos because these works in which Mozart reflects flute music with Classical Period style are essential to understand the music peculiar to the period and to improve their performance further. In this study, there is a formal and general overview in terms of performance in G major and D major flute concertos composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozartin the framework of the classical period in which Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is includedÖğe Viyolonselde Yayın ve Ekollerin Tarihsel Gelişimi(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2011) Araboğlu, TanjuIn this study, historical development of bow, holding techniques during this development and present situation of bow hold were compared and analyzed. It can be said that the schools of performance have an important role on the development of cello, which has a long historical background. It is thought that these schools have specific ways and methods for cello. It took hundreds of years to find out and improve these methods. It can be said that, the schools of performance have contributed to the development of cello and bow techniques with the help of evaluations of bow and cello hold position and improvements throughout the history. In the past and present, cultural differences have caused a differentiation of the points that were focused on by schools of performance and that performer composers came to a close and development of national schools of compositions and the ways of their development effected the understanding of the schools of performance. Thus, this analyze will enable to recognize the historical development of bow and different schools of performance formed during this development process and lighten how contemporary bow hold have been formed.Öğe Don Kişot, Bir Şövalye Üzerine Fantastik Çeşitlemeler (Op.35)(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2013) İşkodralı, Musa Eren“…I want to be able to depict in music a glass of beer so accurately that every listener can tell whether it is a Pilsner or a Kulmbacher…” As it is understood from this quotation which belongs to the worldwide known composer and maestro Richard Strauss, the education that he received for many years and a number of studies he conducted gave him an opportunity to create an original musical language. In this study, it was attemped to give a general information about Richard Strauss and one of his most popular works, namely “Don Quixote, Fantastic Variations on a Theme of Knightly Character Op.35” inspired by the novel of Miguel de Cervantes’s, and to explain the music in a contemporary form that he createdÖğe Çağdaş Türk Müziğinin Oluşum ve Gelişim Sürecinin ve Bu Süreçte Rol Oynayan Faktörlerin İncelenmesi(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2017) Tarkum, ErolDevelopment possibilities of Contemporary TurkishMusic which starts to form based on historical relationships established withWest in music area and seeking a new national polyphonic music have beenrestricted. To reach sufficient level of these possibilities associates withformation of suitable conditions for development of Contemporary Turkish Music.Providing these suitable conditions is possible with systematic approach basedon planning and determination considering factors playing role in formation anddevelopment process of Contemporary Turkish Music.Öğe Konservatuvarların Müfredatlarında Kullanılan Viyola Başlangıç Metotlarının İlköğretim 1. Sınıf Öğrencilerine Uygulanmasında Oluşan Sorunlar(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2010) Dinç, Şükrü ÖnerIn this study I checked up on the conservatories’ primary school curriculum and researched the learnning difficulties for the conservatory students in primary part and I also tried to analysized all the method books for the viola for the beginner students. I aimed to guide all the beginner pupils in the conservatories. Because;after the primary schools had become eight years, some of the conservatories began to accept students from the first class when they were at the age of seven. They didn’t know how to read and write. They didn’t know the notes in music. I think this study will also decrease their problemsÖğe Ekrem Zeki Ün’ün Flüt ve Piyano Eseri Yunus’un Mezarında(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2017) Önver Zafer, ÇisemThis study givesinformation about the life and composition of Ekrem Zeki Ün who is one of ourimportant Turkish composers In addition to composing, violin virtuoso andorchestra conductor Ün’s musical contributions as an educator are alsomentioned Ekrem Zeki Ün has composed many works for solo instrument,chamber music, orchestra, singing and choir For the flute, he composedConcerto, Sonate (for flute and piano), Rhapsody (for flute and chamberorchestra) and Yunus’un Mezarında (for the flute and piano). He has beeninspired by Impressionist period French composers and Anatolian motifs. After1955, he gave his works of maturity which completely reflect his own identity.In this work, the book titled “Yunus”un Mezarında “composed by Ekrem Zeki Ünfor the flute and the piano was examined and facilitation exercises werepresented in terms of executive.Öğe Arnold Schönberg ve Paul Hindemith’in Çağdaş Dönem Müzik Stili Üzerine Etkileri(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2018) Dinç, Şükrü ÖnerModernPeriod is an international art music period from the end of Romantic Period untiltoday and its techniques and movements developing within this period. While thefundementals of Modern Period Music have been established by music reformistssuch as Reger, Bramhs, Schumann, Bach,it has been observed that it has takendifferent form with the emergent movements. In the systems of harmony,Contrapunct and tonality used until Modern Period it has been seen thatartworks in which strong polyphony has been used arose by making changes.ModernPeriod Music, is not the reflection of opinions stucked in the level of thought to music but it is a music which is more humanity, more warm, with strong meaning, reachingto ears, minds and emotions In thisresearch the music structure of Modern Period has been studied, the effects of ArnoldSchönberg and Paul Hindemith living in that period on Music style have been putforward.Öğe Keman Vibratosu ile İlgili 18. Yüzyıldan Günümüze Değişen Yaklaşımlar(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2011) Dağ, Özlem DuyguVibrato; possible to be defined as the vibtarion or undulation in sound, actually dates back to at least three hundred years ago.Since the last decades of the nineteenth century, it has been one of the most disputable subjects of violin practise. Particularly with the rise of modernity and technologic developments, the usage areas and styles of vibrato has changed; what was once merely an ornament, became an indispensable part of basic violin technique. In this research, the change and development of vibrato throughout the historical process will be observed; the results attained will throw a light on the subject for the violinist.Öğe Entonasyon Açısından Keman Öğretimi(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2006) Tarkum, ErolThe studies regarding intonation have a great importance to reach the aim of the violin training. Because, it is not possible to mention that the artistic value of any performance deprived of correct intonation .Therefore, it is required to comprehend from the basement of intonation problems caused by various reasons and to apply teaching methods providing realization of correct intonationÖğe Eugene Bozza’nın Oda Müziği Eserlerinde Obuanın Yeri(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2013) Tan, ZerrinIn this study, the Contemporary period that covers the last century period of the music history and the Contemporary period music, the historical development of chamber music and the place and significance there of in the Contemporary period music, the life, music style, chamber music works of Eugene Bozza a French Contemporary Period composer and the place and significance of hautboy in his works are discussed. In the study, it is mentioned the collection of data and analysis and the appearance of nationalism in music in the Contemporary Era and it is concluded that the composers of different nations started to defend their independence and to save their music from the influence of Wagner. In Contemporary Era, it was parallel with the search for new music and started to spread in many directions. Having a very important role in terms of chamber music, oboe was used in chamber music from Schumann to many contemporary composers in accordance with the characteristics of the era. The chamber music works that French composer, Eugene Bozza, which had gained his reputations through chamber music relative to his peers, have an intuitive aspect above all. In the study, it is explained with examples about the melodic fluidity of the works and how the composer made use of the possibilities of the oboe like every instrument besides the structural French elegancyÖğe PAUL HİNDEMİTH’İN MÜZİK STİLİ(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2009) Dinç, Şükrü ÖnerPaul Hindemith'in bir besteci, violist, eleştirmen ve nazariyatçı olarak müzik tarihine kazandırdığı eserlerin daha iyi anlaşılması ve geliştirilmesi adına pek çok müzisyene yol göstermesi amaçlanmaktadır. Eskiden beri süre gelen armoni, kontrapunkt. ve tonalite sistemlerinde yeniliklere giderek güçlü bir polifoninin kullanıldığı eserlerinde kendi armoni sisteminin kurallarını ortaya koydu. Böylece Ankara Devlet Konservatuvarı'nın da kurucularından olan Paul Hindemith ve eserlerinin daha iyi tanınması sağlanacak aynı zamanda eserlerinin daha kolay icra edilmesine olanak sağlayacaktır.Öğe Robert Schumann'ın Op.13 Senfonik Etüdler'ine Genel Bir Bakış(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2010) Araboğlu, AkınIn this study, the general structure and content of the work entitled ’’Op.13 Symphonic Etudes” composed by Robert Schumann who was a renowned German composer of the 19th century were examined. It is aimed to guide many musicians in order to shed to light on this work by R.Schumann who was a reputed composer, pianist and musicologist, so that its diverse techniques could be understood. In his work titled ’’Op.13 Symphonic Etudes”, R. Schumann created a synthesis of the variation and the etudes which are considered as the most important forms of romantic piano music of the 19th century in a perfect and harmonions way. This analysis will enable one to easily comprehend the difficulties involved in the performance of the work which sets an example to others. At the same time, it will help to understand this work by R. Schumann better