Journal of Balkan Libraries Union

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  • Öğe
    Increasing the level of awareness of the public administration staff in the protection of archival documentation
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2020) Sülçevsi, Refike
    Public administration institutions as well as other public-private and private institutions during their activity create a large amount of archival documents. Those documents are an important source of information for the functioning of those institutions, but later also an important source for research, scientific and historical activity.The documents created during the work activity of public institutions are the basis of the information needed by the staff to fulfill their work tasks, starting from the daily, weekly, monthly and annual as well as in many work processes during the decision making. Based on this, creators and possessors of archival documents should pay special attention to the preservation and protection of archival documents that have been created in their professional activity. National legal provisions and international standards for the management of archival documents regulate the procedures for managing archival documents in the classical form, on paper and in electronic form from the moment of creation, storage, and use to submission at the competent archive. For creators, documents are stored within the legal deadline. The staff that creates documents keeps them in the manual archive (employment office) for two years and then they are submitted to the archive repository of the institution with minutes, in addition to those documents that were needed for operational work. Those documents after 30 years, selected and recorded in the minutes are submitted to the competent archive. To perform these works, a professionally trained staff is required, which unfortunately in Kosovo, we still do not have at the right level. Therefore, the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration (KIPA), as a competent institution at the level of the Republic of Kosovo for the training of public administration staff in cooperation with the Kosovo State Archives Agency (KSAA) should organize professional training for the staff of public administration institutions that create archival documents and in raising awareness of the importance of that documentation of legal, scientific and historical value and that has the quality of a cultural monument.
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    Educational means of students at school, especially means of obstruction
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2020) Thaçi, Bujar
    For the non-appearance of violence in schools by students, as well as by other adult persons,is not interested only the family and the school but also the scientists and the whole society. Early prevention of violence in schools is not only a need of practice, but an interest of science and of the free and democratic society as well, in the full sense of the word. Therefore, the purpose and interest of the society is to educate the youth about a future life and work in society and for society. Understandably, advanced societies have open doors of progress, and they have come to where they are today thanks to the education and the right institutional education, and not with pressure, oppression and violence. Therefore, society must do its utmost to prevent the spread of violence in schools with all the available mechanisms.The purpose of this research is to ascertain which are the educational means, in particular the means of prevention, that take most part at school, the ways of using these tools and their impact on the reduction and prevention of violent behavior of students at school. The main objective of this study and research is the use of educational tools, in particular the means of obstruction and their impact on the progress of the teaching work.In our work the main position will have: Literature Consultation,Questionnaire compilation and implementation, interpretation of results,Research methods: Method of theoretical analysis, methodology of pedagogical-social documentation, statistical, conversational, comparing data.
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    Evaluation of arabic children’s books in the public libraries of Vienna within the frame of library services provided for child members who are native arabic speakers
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2020) Altay, Ahmet; Demir, Hüseyin
    Public libraries are one of the educational and cultural institutions supporting the native language development of the children from multilingual societies. In this study, the Arabic children’s books in the public libraries of Vienna have been analyzed within the frame of the library services provided for the child members who are native Arabic speakers in Vienna where people from different countries, cultures, religions and languages live together. The data applied in the study were obtained from the electronic online catalogues and web pages of the public libraries in Vienna and analyzed by applying descriptive analysis method. Within this framework,the services provided by the libraries for the child members who are native speakers of other languages were also examined by analyzing the webpages of the public libraries in the city for the study, and the Arabic children’s books in the public libraries were detected through the electronic online catalogues of the public libraries in Vienna. The detected Arabic books were analyzed by classifying them based on the libraries they are in, their publication dates, age groups, languages, language use and contents. As a result of the study, it was discovered that the collection development policies related to the Arabic children’s books of the public libraries in Vienna primarily focus on the preschool period, that the majority of the Arabic children’s books in the public libraries are multilingual, and that contents of the books can help children to discover themselves and their surroundings. Additionally, it was also detected that some of the children’s books in the libraries have the content preparing them for multicultural and multilingual life and developing their empathy skills.
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    Oriental department in the national library "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" – Sofia
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2020) Kostadinova, Desislava
    The Oriental Department consist of manuscripts, old-printed books and archive documents in Ottoman Turkish, Persian and Arabic. 4000 handwritten codes are stored in the collection, as well as 2000 volumes of old-printed books and about 1 million sheets of documentary records, organised in 342,000 archive units. Archival documents cover the period from the 15th century to the beginning of the 20th century and shed light on a wide range of political, economic, social and cultural topics.
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    The importance of green libraries in terms of sustainability
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2020) Şeşen, Yasin; Kuzuoğlu, Alpaslan Hamdi
    Since the mid-1970’s, the world's civil society organizations and state institutions have started to be occupied with the concept of sustainable development. A report entitled Our Common Future was prepared by the World Commission on Environment and Development/WCED and the report set out the ideal of a society in which future generations have the ability to meet their own needs in harmony with the natural environment. According to this ideal, in order to achieve environmental sustainability the damage to the environment must be repaired and the harmf inflictedin the past should be reduced to the maximum level possible. In this case, it obliges both individuals and institutions to change their behavior. In this respect, the Green Library movement started in the early 1990’s as a result of libraries becoming interested in environmental issues in general. With the Green Library movement, literature on Green Libraries began to develop and as a result awareness on the subject began to increase. The Green Libraries bibliography which covers the years 1971-2012, contains 218 publications. Starting in 2016 a Green Library Award is presented to a library annually by the IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutes). In the article; the Green Libraries focus has been developed on protecting library buildings from disasters and various fires. At the same time, the future of green library current status of state institutions in the world and in Turkey has focused on the need for improvement.
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    The role and importance of librarians in the service quality of enriched libraries
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2019) Uyar, Fatma
    Libraries are among the prominent elements of educational content in schools. School libraries in Turkey contributed per se to this notion until 2014. The Ministry of National Education has been carrying out the project “Okullar Hayat Olsun” since then, which led to the establishment of enriched libraries and being a partner of said contribution. Enriched libraries with their modern design, technological equipment, games, activities and recreational areas aim to provide services across Turkey by considering equality of opportunity in education as per contemporary educational standards. Enriched libraries also need professionally trained librarians to serve their intended framework. The employment of librarians, which is also valid for school libraries, is indispensable for enriched libraries. A library cannot be expected to provide quality services, unless there is a librarian, who received professional training in the field, regardless of the type of library. To that end, this study discusses the role and significance of librarians in the service.
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    New approaches in selection and evaluation of electronic resources
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2019) Yalçın, Yusuf
    In the early years of 2000, academic libraries used to transfer nearly 16% of their purchase budget to electronic resources which have been begun to be used commonly from the middle of the 1990’s whereas today it is clear that they transfer more than 90% of their budget. The selection and evaluation process of electronic resources have become much more important either due to the increasing budget spared for electronic resources or because of the tightening budgets of the libraries. In the light of the facts mentioned above, within the scope of the study, the issues to be taken into consideration throughout subscription process of the electronic resources, which has begun to gain speed since the beginning of 2000’s in our country, are specified. Within this framework, as well as focusing particularly on access models for the electronic resources, issues to be paid attention such as scope, content, functionality, cost, publisher support, licensing and technical requirements are also addressed. Primary requirements and approaches regarding the evaluation process are specified, as well.
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    Perceived effects of ICT on knowledge sharing among librarian in SouthWest Nigeria: A UTAUT theoretical approach
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2019) Quadri, Ganiyu; Garaba, Francis
    This study aimed to examine effects of technology on knowledge sharing among librarians in South-west Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and mixed methods research approach. All the 108 librarians were sampled through census/total enumeration technique and 6 university librarians (Head of the Library) amounting to 114. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) theory as a framework was used to underpin the study while post-positivism research paradigm was employed for the study. Data was collected through questionnaire and interview. The quantitative data collected was analysed through SPSS, while qualitative data was analysed using thematic content analysis. The findings revealed that majority of the respondents 54(53%) perceived their level of ICT skills to be medium and that ICT help librarians to locate the various elements relevant to the process of knowledge sharing (m=4.33) as well as facilitates quick delivery and dissemination of knowledge (m=4.21). The interviewed respondents also supported the findings that ICT has enhanced knowledge sharing practices among the librarians in their libraries. Based on the findings, conclusion and recommendations were made.
  • Öğe
    Knowledge sharing behaviour by librarians in federal universities in Nigeria
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2019) Ogunmodede, Thomas A.; Popoola, Sunday O.
    The ongoing debate in the international community’s is on the evaluation of knowledge sharing and its impact on organisational effectiveness. Librarians play a pivotal role in helping the university to realise the objective of teaching, learning and research. Librarians provide access to information resources and services to support the vision and mission of their parent institution. Knowledge are being created daily in organisation, hence, they should be shared. Although, there have been researches on knowledge sharing by librarians in Nigeria but the focus have always been on sectional part or on one or two geo-political zones, without national study as scope of study. This study therefore investigated knowledge sharing by librarians in federal universities in Nigeria. The population of study comprised 654 librarians from 40 federal universities in Nigeria. A total enumeration technique was used to cover 654 librarians. The descriptive statistics was employed for data analysis. 518 respondents filled and returned the questionnaire, given a response rate of 79.2%. The results revealed that the level of knowledge sharing by librarians is high ( =98.47. SD =11.54). The channel of knowledge sharing by librarians varies significantly from face-to-face to the use of social media. Significant difference exists on knowledge sharing by librarians based on the universities. The study concludes that librarians are not only knowledge managers but also knowledge disseminators. Therefore, library administrators should establish as well as formalised knowledge sharing hours in the library so that the culture of knowledge sharing can be maintained among the librarians. Recognition and incentives be given to librarians who share knowledge so that they can share more knowledge.
  • Öğe
    Attitude of undergraduate students to information literacy: Bowen University experience
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2019) Adekunle, Adesola P.; Olla, Grace Omolara O.; Olajide, Afolabi Adebayo; Osuji, Chioma Ngozi; Adedoyin, Adeola Olapeju
    The study investigated the rationale behind undergraduates’ apathy for information literacy (IL) programme at Bowen University, Nigeria. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study and a multi-stage sampling method was used to select a sample size of five hundred participants spread across disciplines and levels of study. A questionnaire containing closeended, structured items was used to gather data from the respondents and descriptive analyses, including percentages and frequency count were used to analyse the data collected. Three research questions were developed and answered and three research hypotheses were tested through the instrument. Results show that students’ attitude to information literacy significantly influences their information literacy skill and students’ perception of information literacy significantly influences their information literacy skills. Although perception of IL does not predict influence of IL on students, attitude to IL determines the influence of IL on students’ information literacy skills. The study further revealed that the erroneous equation of technology literacy with information literacy was largely responsible for students' lukewarm disposition to information literacy. The study concludes by recommending a paradigm shift from the traditional teaching delivery to a technology-driven, interactive pedagogy that will ginger the interest of the students and thus effect the desired attitudinal change to IL.
  • Öğe
    Reading clubs, workshops, reading in the park
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2013) Banaurs, Daniela
    Reading clubs are networks made up of book lovers who read the same book at the same time and then share their ideas and feelings inspired by that reading. This short paper discusses the benefits of reading clubs and reading workshops.
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    Lady cafe – motivating activities for women aged 45 +
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2013) Nazare, Daniel; Popescu, Claudia
    This short paper discusses the details of a research project entitled “Lady Cafe – motivating activities for women aged 45+”. The project is based on motivational activities on different fields including e-learning, literature, psychology, health and traditional medicine. It is designed to make women over 45 aware of their abilities, so that they can transfer their 'know-how' from the domestic field to a wider scope within society.
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    University libraries and social media policies
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2014) Biçen Aras, Bahar
    Nowadays changing technology and changing user profile have impelled libraries to resort to different methods in order to communicate with the people they serve. The libraries which are the meeting place of people who investigate, question, want to have a good time, and who want to socialize need a good promotion regardless of types. Libraries use second-generation internet services to take constructive and developer steps in the field of services marketing, presenting and public relations. University libraries use social media effectively today that social media is an integral part of human life, mobile technology facilitates the operations. Social media has strengthened communication and cooperation of persons and libraries with each other, and has increased the expectations and requirements of each other. Therefore, university libraries have begun to create their own social media policy. In this study, when the university libraries use social media effectively, policies and objectives needed to be established are focused on.
  • Öğe
    The place and importance of Turkish incunable printings in the history
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2014) Akkaya, Mehmet Ali
    The most important step for the literature world between "the invention of writing" and "transition to computer technology" is the starting of use of printing house led by Gutenberg and its proliferation. This innovation that affected the progress of history has also created its own terminology along with distinctive practices. The first printed book and the term incunable used to express the printing process of these books is one of them. For Turkish book printing that has been quite late to incorporate printing house, there is a period defined with this term, and printing houses which have been active during this period and printed books exist. It would be the best way to try to define with the values fed by Turkish cultural and social life in determining the period of “Turkish incunable” which is defined between different dates almost in every study. It should be remembered while giving the definition and the period that "Turkish incunable" has an honorable place for both our printing house' start and its development until our day. The experiences of Turkish incunable printings have encouraged the ones intended to be active in this field, eased and shortened the way to do it.
  • Öğe
    Issues and trends in the provision of public library services in Nigeria: A literature survey
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2014) Abiodun Salman, Abdulsalam; Mostert, B. Janneke; Mugwisi, Tinashe
    The philosophy, orientation and nature of public library are routed in the responsibility of disseminating diverse and current information services to the members of its community. Waller and Mcshare (2008) posit two major challenges in the provision and use of public library services which are; lack of obtaining a thorough understanding of the nature of the environment which bothers majorly on information provision and use; and the development of policy frameworks that clarifies institutions goals and brings coherence to diverse and sometimes conflicting policy demands. This paper looks at issues and trends concerning some of the challenges bedeviling the provision and utilisation of public library services in Nigeria such as in-appropriate policies, lack of sufficient professionals, inadequate facilities and services and lack of awareness and proper understanding of the concept of public library services which led to non-use of the available services by potential users. Yield shift theory of satisfaction phenomena was used to explain the satisfaction phenomenon of public library services by users. Identified challenges were discussed and recommendations made towards developing a framework for improved public library services in Nigeria.
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    Libraries and inter-generational communication good practices and their educational results
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2014) Petrova - Vasileva, Rositsa
    The process of changes today, on the border between traditional and digital culture, is a clear sign for a change of the communication characteristics and habits of man. As a result of the expansion of new information technologies people who have different communication skills are born and brought up, and rapid technological changes create communication gap between generations living together in a common period of time. Availability and / or lack of information literacy nowadays have become an increasingly important factor in the integration of the human person in society. And here lies the new role of library, by improving computer literacy and level of handling information technology of older users to overcome differences, improve communication, to bridge the gap between generations. The article presents also good practices to improve IT skills of older users of "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library - Sliven as an example of the realization of intergenerational practices for bringing people together.
  • Öğe
    Reconstruction of private archives in Turkey
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2014) Yalçın, Yusuf; Akgün, Mehtap
    Archives have been divided into two groups in both theory and the practice in the Archival Science. The first is “public archives” and the other is “private archives”. There are ownership, usage right and belonging of these documents on the basis of this classification. The identification of the private archives has become important because private organizations and capital have an effective role in both production and management of the State and many countries have had to make new regulations in the archive legislation. Legislation in our country has been examined on the scope of our study and the current situation has been revealed. In order to understand the legal regulation very well the studies abroad have been included in the study, and practices have been examined. In the last part of the study necessary factors related to the private archives in National Archive Law have been detailed.
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    Next generation networks for distributed electronic resources: Opportunities and challenges
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2014) Soysal, Murat
    The changes in the lifestyle of the people, new applications, technological developments and the telecommunication market drive the adoption Next Generation Network (NGN) as the new network architecture. NGN has a service-centric architecture which promotes agile creation of services and then maintenance of these services with end-to-end QoS support. In the current era, every internet user is a potential electronic resource user. Due to the transition from the traditional mode of collections to the electronic resources and the heterogeneity and distributed nature of the electronic resources, a state of the art communication infrastructure is the key component of electronic resource providers. In this regard, NGNs can offer numerous advantages to the electronic resource providers. In this paper the use of NGNs for delivering distributed electronic resources is investigated. The opportunities and challenges are presented.
  • Öğe
    The subject portal EconBiz and the EconBiz Partner Network
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2015) Pianos, Tamara
    This short paper introduces the search portal EconBiz and its major features as well as the international partner network built around EconBiz.
  • Öğe
    Information on strategies for achieving compliance with the guidelines for quality assurance in Nigerian universities
    (Balkan Libraries Union, 2015) Sali, Maryam; Akor, Philip Usman
    This paper examines the strategies adopted for achieving compliance with the guidelines for quality assurance in Nigerian university system using descriptive research method. It focused on the concepts of quality and quality assurance, quality assurance guidelines in the Nigerian university system and strategies adopted by the NUC, for achieving compliance with the quality assurance guidelines. The paper also highlighted the challenges hindering the effective achievement of compliance with the quality assurance guidelines and offered recommendations for improvement.