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  • Öğe
    1854-1874 Döneminde Osmanlı Devleti’nin Dış Borçlanması: Kaç Milyar Dolar Osmanlı Devleti’nin İflasına Neden Oldu?
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2014) Tunçel, Ahmet Kamil; Yıldırım, Murat
    Countries have attracted foreign sources with a limited time by external debt transactions. Basically foreign debts are used to finance budget deficit and current account deficits. Providing temporary relief for the country's economy, foreign debts may case troubles when the time comes for payment of interest and principal payments unless they are invested in productive areas. Ottoman had lived this experience by losing her fiscal independence. The Ottoman Empire took its first foreign debt in 1854 from the United Kingdom because of the Crimean War and the amount of foreign debts continuously increased in subsequent years. In this study, it is subjected that the foreign debts taken in the period of 1854-1874 was the first twenty years of the foreign debt adventure of the Ottoman Empire and the cost of the debts taken to the state. Then, the foreign debts are recalculated for the amount of money today which dragged the Ottoman Empire into bankruptcy. Thus, though it covers a very short period, how the excessive foreign borrowing led a state to fall into insolvency is tried to explain.
  • Öğe
    Awareness of Symptoms and Signs in Spondyloarthritis Among Family Physicians in Edirne City Center
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2019) Çifcibaşı, Hilal Sena; Tan, Berfin; Göztepe, Aslı; Certel, Alperen Taha; Çaylan, Ayşe; Yılmazer, Barış
    Aims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the knowledge of signs and symptoms of spondyloarthritis among family physiciansworking in Family Health Centers in Edirne. Methods: In this study, a questionnaire consisting of 17 questions were applied tothe family physicians working in the Family Health Centers of Edirne Province. The data were analyzed using non-parametricSpearman Correlation test and Mann-Whitney U test on IBM SPSS version 20.0. Results: The total number of subjects in thestudy was 45. All subjects’ median age was 47 years (1st quartile, 42 years; 3rd quartile, 51 years). Five of the participants werefamily medicine specialist. The median duration of medical practice was 20 years (1st quartile, 13 years; 3rd quartile, 25.5 years).Four of the participants were trained in rheumatology. The median number of patients examined by the participants was 60 perday (1st quartile, 47.5; 3rd quartile, 70). Forty-one of the participants stated that they referred patients with back pain to thehospital for further examination. The median number of referral percentage was 15 (1st quartile, 5; 3rd quartile, 25). Conclusion:Spondyloarthritis is a disease that is diagnosed too late and reduces patients’ quality of life. In this study, it was investigated whichfactors could be related to spondyloarthritis awareness of family physicians in a limited area. The most important output of this isstudy is the relation between referrals to rheumatology and awareness of spondyloarthritis. These parameters are related to eachother and the physician. Keywords: Back pain, arthritis, family physicians
  • Öğe
    The Age and Gender Presentation in the Formations of Gallstones
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2017) Sevinç, Hande; Demir, Merve Sena; Mercan, Canan; Yüksel, Filiz; Çaylan, Ayşe
    Aims: The aim of this study is to determine age and gender differences in gallstones. Methods: First of all, we searched the general knowledge about gallstones. Then, we retrospectively evaluated 330 patients who applied to the General Surgery Department of Trakya University with the diagnosis of gall bladder stone between 09.01.2015-03.30.2016. Results: Two hundred and eight (63%) patients were female and 122 (37%) were male. 106 (32.1%) patients were over 65 years old and the least risky group in forming gallstones was under 20 years of age. Conclusion: In Trakya University General Surgery Department, gall bladder stones are mostly seen in patients over 65 years of age and higher in women compaired to men.
  • Öğe
    Evaluating Orthorexia Tendency Among Trakya University Medical School Students
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2015) Özkan, Aslı Nur; Ülkücü, Attila; Kanter, Tuğba; Tapan, Mehmet Emin; Turgutlugil, Begüm; Çaylan, Ayşe
    Aims: In this study, it is aimed to bring up Orthorexia nervosa tendency among Trakya University Medical Schoolstudents and determine the effect of smoking, alcohol use, drug use, chronic diseases, previous regimes, doing sports, possibility of individuals of cooking for themselves in their daily life and socio-demographic variables.Methods: This is a cross-sectional survey study that was applied to the 1278 students who are enrolled in TrakyaUniversity Medical School in 2014-2015 academic year. A questionnaire is prepared by the researcher including questions to determine orthorexia nervosa tendency, socio-demographic factors and Orto-11 scale. 705 students filled the questionnaire and only 676 could be used in the study. The mean age of the students was 20.92 years (min. 17 years max. 40 years). 62.1 % was female (420) and 37.9% was male (256). Results have been evaluated by using SPSS programme. In this evaluation, Kruskal Wallis and chi-square test were used.Results: Among the factors which were searched, it is seen that smoking, alcohol use and drug use decreased Orthorexia nervosa tendency while it is increased with possibility of cooking, male sex and doing sports. No significant difference were observed between other factors and Orthorexia nervosa.Conclusion: Even though there are not adequate studies in literature and it is not described in DSM-V, Orthorexianervosa might affect individual’s quality of life later in their lifetime. It is important to carry on more comprehensive studies on this topic
  • Öğe
    Tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin sigara içme ve bırakma durumları
    (2007) Şahin, Erkan Melih; Özer, Cahit; Çakmak, Huriye; Tunç, Zafer; Taştan, Kemal; Can, Eneç Fatma Nur
    Bu çalışma Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi öğrencilerinin sigara kullanım durumlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Araştırrmacılar tarafından, 2003-2004 öğrenim yılında Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 5 ve 6. sınıf öğrencilerinde bir anket uygulaması ile sigara içme durumu, nikotin bağımlılık düzeyi, bırakma isteği ve davranışları sorgulandı. Üç yüz otuz altı öğrenciden ulaşılabilen 200’ü (%59.5) (90 erkek, 110 kadın; ort. yaş 24.11±1.87; dağılım 21- 34) çalışmaya alındı. Bulgular: Hiç sigara içmeyenler 129 (%64.5), bırakanlar 18 (%9), halen içenler 53 kişi (%26.5) olarak bulundu. Sigara içme yaşla artış göstermekteydi. Sigara içenlerin nikotin bağımlılık puanları az bağımlıya denk gelmekteydi. Sigarayı bırakmış olanlarda en sık dile getirilen bırakma nedeni sağlıkla ilgili kaygılardı. Tekrar başlayanlarda en önemli etkenler ise stres ve sigara içen arkadaşlar olarak bildirilmişti. Sigara bırakma dan ışmanlığı, nikotin replasmanı ya da yardımcı ilaç kullanı mları çok kısıtlı düzeylerdeydi. Sonuç: Sigara bırakma danışmanlığının ortalamaya göre daha avantajlı konumda olan tıp fakültesi ö¤rencilerinde bile yetersiz olduğu görüldü. Ülkedeki sigara karıtlığı harekete ivme sağlayabilmek için acilen hekim adayları- na yönelik eylem planlanmasına ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır.