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  • Öğe
    Para Arzı ile Enflasyon İlişkisi ve Türkiye Uygulaması (1994-2004)
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2006) Cesur, Fatma
    It is known that most important problem of Turkish economy is inflation. So many stabilization programs which aimed controlling and curing the inflation have been implemented. In this research, the relationship between money supply and inflation has been studied between the periods of 1994-2004. Inflation is a concept which defines a continuous general price level escalation or a continuous attrition of purchasing power. If inflation is constant and high, it is generally accepted that the main reason for this situation is accretion of money supply. The theory of quantity which depends on to the functional relationship of money supply and price movements is supported by various researches. Despite of the arguments, it is generally accepted that there is a relationship between money supply and the price movements. While analyzing the properties of this functional relationship what its existence known theoretically, regression analysis will be quite useful. In this study Turkish monetary supply’s (M1, M2, M2Y and M3) between the period of 1994-2004 effecting strength and duration has been analyzed. It is founded that escalation monetary supply impresses both consumer and wholesale prices positively. It also seen that monetary supply escalation has a stronger effect on consumer prices than the wholesale prices. M2Y money supply has a stronger impress on the inflation escalation. According to this, it is seen that accretion of monetary supply triggering the inflation. Every economic school generally accepts the money’s effect on economic activity. Disagreement came into while measuring the strength of this effect. Starting point of inflation phenomena is a monetary expansion which stimulates aggregate demand. Consequently, in every economy which holds monetary expansion, inflation stimulates as well.
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    The Sentiments of Adam Smith Relating to Economic Growth As An Inspirer to Modern Growth Theories
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2013) Uçak, Ayhan
    The determinants of wealth of nations have always been an interesting issue for policy makers and economists. In economics, one of the most important subjects is to increase economic growth and welfare of society. As one of the most important political economists, Adam Smith analyzed the dynamics of wealth of nations and welfare of individuals and societies. In this study, we mainly focused Smith’s views on the determinants of economic growth. It is clear that modern economic growth theory has been still benefited from the Smith’s views on the economic growth which are division of labour, education, human capital, learning by doing, increasing returns to scale, technological change, externalities, institutional factors such as global free-competitive market economy, the role of government etc. Even if we are not on the same wave with Smith, it is still very important to review Smith’s views on the determinants of economic growth in order to design better economic and political environment for economic agents to increase wealth of nations
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    Avrupa Birliği Bölgesel - Kırsal Kalkınma Politikasının Yapısı ve İşleyişi
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2006) Atakişi, Ahmet
    The European Union has been providing considerable amount of financial aid for economic development to the candidate countries since the year 2000. Although, ten of the candidate countries joined to EU family by May 2004, new enlargement wave, (The Regional and Rural Development Policy) had a drive effect to lessen the discrimination and imbalance among the regions in the Union. In comparison EU15 to EU25, the disparities within 254 regions had been deepened with the new enlargement progress. Before the enlargement process, the European Union had performed several programs for diminishing the disparities among the regions. In addition, there are serious inequalities and diversifications between such regions in the candidate countries. Further more, candidate countries have to accomplish the cohesion for Regional Polices of EU in their full-membership negotiations
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    Bankacılık Sektöründe Operasyonel Riskin Minimize Edilmesi ve Altı Sigma Uygulamaları
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2009) Apak, Sudi; Atay, Erhan
    Six Sigma methodology and its tools are becoming very popular for the improvement of key processes of organizations. Companies which try to survive and get a slice from the huge markets in this environment should meet the customer requirements fully and even more than the customers' expectations with zero defects, quick and as the cheapest. By focusing on the improvement of processes on both a strategic and tactical level, Six Sigma has enabled clients to achieve extraordinary financial benefits are achieved by increasing quality, minimizing operation costs, encouraging innovation, deepening customer relationships, and strengthening corporate cultures. In recent years risk management has turned out to be the key factor that determines the existence of financial institutions. Operational risk has become the main topic of risk management agenda especially after the occurrence of wellpublicized high impact loss event during 1990s. Amid increased size and complexity of Banking industry operational risk has a greater potential to transpire in more harmful ways than many other sources of risk. According to the last proposal by Basel Committee, commercial banks are allowed to use advanced measurement approach for operational risk.
  • Öğe
    Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği’ne Uyum Sürecinde Çevre Politikalarının Karşılaştırmalı Analizi
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2005) Yıldız, Nural
    The Comperative Analysis of Environmental Policies in the Harmonization Process to EU in Turkey Rapid population growth, rapid industrialization and non-regular urbanization have caused the pressure to natural resources. Especially after second half of 20th century environment pollution has been became a serious problem for all of countries whether they are developed or developing countries. Countries’ rapid industrialization process and profit maximizing motives have also negative effect to natural resources and environment. The major development about consciousness of environment is the Conference which had carried the problem to global level on 5th June 1972 in Stockholm. More than 100 countries had participated to the Conference as a result of importance of the problem. Most of coutries have focused on the environment problems and policies to solve the rising environment problems, to make sure life quality of the future generations and sustainable economic development. In current process, EU which is called as high level integration is interested in this kind of policies too. Because, environmental pollution has no border, so that each one of countries has been effected from the pollution. In our paper, it is compared that Common Environment Policy of EU and current Environment Policy of Turkey in the harmonization process to EU.
  • Öğe
    Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Avrupa Birliği’nde Menkul Kıymetleştirme: Türkiye’de Uygulanabilir Mi?
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2012) Atay, Erhan; Taşçı, Celal
    Securitization is a process in which different assets or portfolios of cash owngenerating securities are pooled together and then sold to third parties. Recent globalfinancial crisis demonstrate the need to create and implement regulatory frameworksthat balance financial markets. In this context, Europeans have watched inbewilderment and amazement as the USA mortgage market cratered.The purpose of this article is to research the differences of securitisationbetween the USA and the European Union from a macroeconomic perspective.There is considerable evidence that securitisation in the USA and the EU indicatestructural differences. Securitisation in most of the economies in the world is anattractive and potentially large source of long-term funding for mortgage markets.In addition, securitisation can be found both in developed and in emerging countries.Every year, all over the world, approximately US$5 trillion worth of fundsare transferred to homebuyers over the capital markets. The lack of a modernhousing finance system in Turkey prevents from taking advantage of these widelyavailable funds and services.In this regard, another objective is to capture key trends for the securitisationin Turkey via secondary mortgage markets. The Mortgage Law was approved inMarch 2007 by the Turkish Grand Nation Assembly. This law encouragessecuritisations of mortgage loans in the best advantages of the financial systems andthe borrowers. Because of its benefits; further encouragement should be provided forpromoting securitisation in Turkey
  • Öğe
    Aktife Dayalı Menkul Kıymetler: Türkiye ve Dünya Uygulaması
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2019) Atay, Erhan; Gülen, Meryem İnci
    Küreselleşme ile birlikteson yıllarda finansal piyasalarda yaşanan gelişmeler beraberinde birtakımyenilikleri meydana getirmiştir. Finansal varlıkların menkul kıymetleştirilereksermaye piyasalarındaki yatırımcılara satılması bu yeniliklerden en önemlisiolarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Modern finans sisteminin önemli bir yeniliğiolarak karşımıza çıkan menkul kıymetleştirme ile likit olmayan aktif kalemleri,likit hale dönüştürülmekte ve böylece finans piyasalarına ilave fonsağlanmaktadır. Finansal açıdan önemli bir yere sahip olan menkulkıymetleştirme, 1970’li yıllarda uluslararası finans piyasalarında meydanagelen değişimler neticesinde geleneksel bankacılığın yerine tercih edilenönemli bir olgu olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. İlk menkul kıymetleştirme uygulamaları,Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD)’nde mortgage kredilerinin menkulkıymetleştirilmesi ile başlamıştır. İlk ipotek dışı varlığa dayalı menkulkıymet uygulaması ise, 1985 yılında finansal kiralama sözleşmelerinden doğanalacakların menkul kıymetleştirilmesi ile olmuştur. Günümüzde otomobilkredileri, kredi kartı alacakları, finansal kiralamada ekipman (donanım)kiraları, öğrenci kredileri, ticari alacaklar, ihracat işlemelerinden doğanalacaklar menkul kıymetleştirilen diğer aktif varlık ürünleri arasında yeralmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yeni bir finansman tekniği olan menkulkıymetleştirme kavramının ve menkul kıymetleştirme işlemlerinden biri olanaktife dayalı menkul kıymetlerin Türkiye’deki ve dünyadaki uygulamalarınınincelenmesidir. Bu kapsamda, menkul kıymetleştirmenin işlem gördüğü sermayepiyasalarının yapısı ve bu piyasalarda işlem gören menkul kıymetler hakkındagenel olarak bilgi verilmiş, ardından menkul kıymetleştirmenin tanımı vegelişimi ele alınmıştır. Çalışmanın son bölümünde ise, menkul kıymetleştirmetürlerinden biri olan aktife dayalı menkul kıymetleştirme işlemlerinin tanımıyapılarak, aktif menkul kıymetleştirmesinin Türkiye ve dünya uygulamalarıliteratür açısından incelenmiş, konu ile ilgili önerilere yer verilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Turizm Ekonomisi Eğitimi Alan Öğrencilerin Turizm Algılarının Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2019) Boyacıoğlu, Ebru Zümrüt
    Çalışma, öğrencilerin turizme yönelikbakış açılarının ve algılarının tespit edilmesini amaçlayan nitel veri toplamave değerlendirme tekniklerinin kullanıldığı keşfetmeye yönelik bir araştırmayıiçermektedir. Yapılan araştırmada, Trakya Üniversitesi’nde Bahar dönemindeseçmeli Turizm Ekonomisi dersi alan İktisat Bölümü öğrencilerinin turizme yönelik algılarının tespiti ve algıların cinsiyete, mezunolunan lise türüne ve turizm sektörü ile bir bağa sahip olma durumuna göreanlamlı bir farklılık gösterip göstermediğinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma sonucu Faktör Analizi ile dörtalt boyut(faktör) belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular; öğrencilerinin turizme yönelik algılarının olumluolduğunu ve algılamalarının mezun olunan lise ve turizm ile ilgili bağları olmadeğişkenine göre farklılık gösterdiğini vurgulamaktadır. Turizm algılarını oluşturan alt boyutlarda cinsiyetler arası farklılıkbulunmamıştır. Araştırmasonuçları Turizm Ekonomisi dersi eğitimleri sonucu öğrencilerin bilgibirikimlerine ve turizm konusundaki duyarlılıklarına anlamlı düzeyde etkiettiğini göstermektedir. Elde edilen enönemli katkının; turizm sektörünün ekonomik etkisinin yüksek düzeyde kavranması,  ekonomik büyümeve kalkınma için gerekliliğinin anlaşılmasıdır.
  • Öğe
    Avrupa Birliği Ülkelerinde İşsizlik Oranlarının Cinsiyet ve Eğitim Düzeyine Göre İstatistiksel Analizi
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2018) Uçak, Ayhan; Sart, Gamze; Sezgin, Funda
    Avrupa Birliği2008 küresel ekonomik krizinden önemli ölçüde etkilenmiştir. Ekonomik büyümedenişsizliğe kadar önemli olumsuz etkiler gözlemlenmiştir. Avrupa Birliği ekonomikkrizin etkilerini aşabilmek için çeşitli iktisat politikaları uygulamıştır. ÇalışmadaAvrupa Birliği ülkeleri için işsizlik oranı, eğitim düzeyi ve cinsiyetegöre  istatistiksel olarak incelenmiştir.Çalışmada,  Avrupa Birliği ülkelerindeaynı eğitime sahip kadın ve erkeklerin ortalama işsizlik oranlarınınistatistiksel olarak eşit olduğu ve eğitim düzeylerine göre genel işsizlik ortlamalarının farklı olduğusonucu ortaya çıkmıştır. Sonuç olarak Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinde işsizliktecinsiyet eşitsizliği sorunu olmayıp, eğitim düzeyi arttıkça da işsizlik oranıazalmaktadır.
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    Gelişen Ekonomilerde Sermaye Hareketlerinin Yönetimi
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2016) Uçak, Ayhan
    Türkiye’nin de aralarında bulunduğu yükselen ya da gelişen piyasa ekonomileri, sermaye hareketlerini serbest bırakmaya başladıkları 1980’li yılların sonundan itibaren neredeyse kabaca 30 yıla yaklaşan bir süredir bu realitenin etkisine son derece açık bir konumda bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada gelişen piyasa ekonomileri için sermaye hareketlerinin nasıl yönetilebileceği tartışılmaktadır. Çalışmada kullanılan analiz yöntemi iktisat teorisinde sıklıkla kullanılan IS-LM-BP modelidir.
  • Öğe
    An Analysis of Environmental Kuznets Curve For Japanese Economy
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2016) Sarıdoğan, Ercan; Güriş, Burak; Uçak, Ayhan
    Japanese economy achieved a rapid economic development process for the period of 1950-1980 with environmental problems. By the by mid 1970s, Japan introduced important environmental regulatory reforms and environ- mental clean-up reforms. However, Japan faced challenged both environ- mental problems and economic stagnation since 1990s. In this study, Environmental Kuznets curve is analysed for Japanese economy for the period 1960 to 2010 using annual data by using cointegration test with structural breaks by developed Maki (2012). Environmental Kuz- nets curve means there is an inverted-U relationship between environmental degradation and income per capita. In the study it is found that the N-shaped Kuznets curve confirmed for Japanese economy for the period.
  • Öğe
    Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Ekonomik Kalkınma Algılarının Analizi
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2016) Okur Dinçsoy, Meltem; Taşdemir, Özgür
    Economic development has been important in all societies throughout the history. Today, the concept of economic development is differently perceived by different segments of society. In this study, a total of 38 questions about development and Turkish Economy are asked to 288 students in Trakya University/Department of Economics in 2015 academic year and significant differences were tested by SPSS 17.0 (Statistical Packet for Social Scieces). There are statistically significant differences according to the participants’ gender, income, educational course, grade, family income variables. Also, there are statistically significant differences for gender in Mann-Whitney U and for individual income, grade and family income in Kruskal-Wallis test results. Consequently, it is observed that demographic characteristics of students are more dominant than the educational level of students on their development and Turkish Economy perceptions
  • Öğe
    Mübadele Meselesi ve Cumhuriyet Dönemi Tarımsal Kalkınma Politikası
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2012) Yıldız, Nural; Yıldız, Emel
    The founders of the Turkish Republic wanted to consolidate the process of the Treaty of Lausanne and the proclamation of the Republic with the idea of economic independence through a fast and total development. However, the attempts made for the development at that time faced many politic, social and diplomatic problems. One of the important diplomatic problems was the burning issue of the population exchange which would be performed among the Greeks living in Turkey and the Turks living in the Western Thrace reciprocally. The settling of the ones among the Turks coming form the Western Thrace who were engaging in the agricultural activities, solving the problems of the agricultural sector and organizing and training the agricultural producers were handled as a whole. The process of development comprehended as a whole in the sense of the economy, the society and the human was supported with many projects. A special example to these comprehensive, foreseeing, modern and innovative projects adopted as a part of the development policies of the Republican Period is “the Model Village Project” of Kazım Dirik, who was the inspector general of Thrace. This project being the most important sign of the aim of the distribution of the development and wealth to the whole society in an equalitarian way still carries a characteristic of an important and applicable project to resolve the regional inequality, create employment and reduce the stress of immigration to the cities. The aim of this study is to address the link and totality of the topics considered apart and the modernity of the approach at that period by discussing the Republican Period with respect to its years of establishment together with the agricultural development policies selected and implemented with respect to the general conjuncture.
  • Öğe
    Dış Ticaret ve Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Bir Nedensellik Analizi: 2001-2011 Türkiye Örneği
    (Trakya Üniversitesi, 2012) Aytaç, Ayhan; Akduğan, Umut
    By the globalization period, it has been seemed close positive relationship among export, import and economic growth. The study has focused on the linkage between foreign trade and economic growth in Turkey which has been integrated by international economy. The study has used the quarterly datas such as GDP, export, import (2001Q1-2011Q3), and the outcomes of the datas have been tested by Granger Causality Analysis. After this step , it has been analyzed the long run relationship among the variables by the Johansen Co-integration test therefore VAR estimation model has declared that there is causality relationship from export to economic growth and also import and export has a certain effect on GDP in Turkey.
  • Öğe
    Conservation status and current distribution of endemic and extinction-prone bellevalia edirnensis özhatay & mathew (asparagaceae)
    (Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013) Aytaç, Ayhan; Çolak, Adnan; Arda, Hayati; Güler, Necmettin; Dayan, Sergun
    Bu çalışmada, endemik ve tehlike altında olan Bellevalia edirnensis’in mevcut yayılışı, popülasyonlarının son durumu ve habitatını tehdit eden unsurlar araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda CR kategorisindeki türün habitatında bü-yük problemler (aşırı otlatma, tarımsal faaliyetler, yapılaşma, su ve toprak kirliliği) olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bu problemlere in situ ve ex situ çözüm önerileri sunulmuş ve tartışılmıştır. En kısa sürede etkili bir koruma stratejisi oluşturulmadığı takdirde bu türün yakın zamanda doğada yok olacağı gerçeği öne sürülmüştür.