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Öğe Acute effect of resistance exercise at different velocities on stiffness and vascularity of the biceps brachii muscle: a preliminary study(Sage Publications Ltd, 2023) Ustabasioglu, Fethi Emre; Agirdemir, Fatma Ebru; Ustabasioglu, Fatma; Sunal, Baran SerdarBackground Resistance exercise can be defined as the percentage of maximal strength (%1 repetition maximum) used for a particular exercise. Shear wave elastography (SWE) is a robust and novelty imaging technique that provides information regarding tissue stiffness. Superb microvascular imaging (SMI) is a non-irradiating technique that can provide quantitative measurement of muscle blood flow non-invasively. Purpose To compare the acute effects of low- and high-velocity resistance exercise on stiffness and blood flow in the biceps brachii muscle (BBM) using SWE and SMI. Material and Methods This prospective study included 60 healthy men (mean age=28.9 years; age range=26-34 years). BBM stiffness was measured by using SWE at rest, after low- and high-velocity resistance exercise, and muscle blood flow was also evaluated by SMI. Resistance exercise was performed using a dumbbell with a mass adjusted to 70%-80% of one-repetition maximum. Results The stiffness values increased significantly from resting to high- and low-velocity resistance exercises. There was no significant difference between the elastography values of the BBM after the high- and low-velocity resistance exercise. The blood flow increased significantly from resting to high- and low-velocity resistance exercises. Blood flow increase after low-velocity exercise was significantly higher compared to high-velocity exercise. Conclusion While muscle stiffness parameters and blood flow significantly increased from resting after both high- and low-velocity resistance exercises, blood flow significantly increased after low-velocity exercise compared to high-velocity exercise. This can mean that metabolic stress, an important trigger for muscle development, is more likely to occur in low-velocity exercise.Öğe Osteoid osteoma olgularında perkütan radyofrekans ve mikrodalga ablasyon tedavi yöntemlerinin klinik ve radyolojik sonuçları(Trakya Üniversitesi, 2021) Sunal, Baran Serdar; Kula, OsmanRadyofrekans Ablasyon, OO tedavisinde uzun yıllardır kullanılan, kolay uygulanabilir ve etkin bir tedavi yöntemidir. MA ise OO tedavisinde son yıllarda kullanılmaya başlanan ve görece daha az kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Bu çalışmamızda RFA ve MA ile tedavi ettiğimiz OO hastalarında klinik sonuçları ve tedavi etkinliğini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Retrospektif yapılan çalışmamızda, Ekim 2014-Şubat 2020 tarihleri arasında klinik ve radyolojik bulgularla OO tanısı almış, Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Girişimsel Radyoloji Bilim Dalında, MA ve RFA ile tedavi edilen 26 hasta çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Tüm işlemler, BT kılavuzluğunda genel anestezi altında yapıldı. Hastaların işlem öncesi ve sonrası ağrı düzeyleri VAS ile kaydedildi. Radyofrekans ablasyon ile tedavi edilen grupta başarı oranımız % 94,4 saptandı. MA ile tedavi edilen grupta başarı oranımız % 87,5 olarak hesaplandı. Perkütan tedavilerde toplam başarı oranımız % 92,30 bulundu. RFA ve MA ile tedavi edilen hasta grupları arasında başarı oranları açısından anlamlı farklılık saptanmadı (p>0,05). Günümüzde, OO tedavisinde perkütan tedaviler, cerrahi yöntemlerin yerini almıştır. Görüntü kılavuzluğunda yapılması, nidusun yerinin tam olarak saptanabilmesi, minimal kemik hasarı oluşturması ve buna bağlı fraktür riskinde belirgin azalma, perkütan tedavilerin cerrahi yöntemlere göre üstünlükleridir. Radyofrekans Ablasyon ile Mikrodalga Ablasyonun temel farkı dokuyu ısıtma şekilleridir. MA 'nun RFA göre en önemli avantajları, yüksek ısıya daha kısa sürede ulaşarak zamandan tasarruf sağlar. Isı emici etki daha az olduğundan, tek giriş iğnesi ile daha geniş ablasyon volümü sağlar. Isı emici etkisi fazla olan sklerotik lezyonlarda ve damar komşuluğundaki lezyonlarda, ısı kaybı daha fazla olduğundan bu lezyonlarda tercih edilebilir. Osteoid osteoma tedavisinde, MA ve RFA oldukça başarılı tedavi yöntemleridir. Literatürde 2 yöntemin karşılaştırmasına dayanan çalışma sayısı az olduğundan daha uzun dönem ve geniş hasta sayısıyla yapılan çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Osteoid Osteoma, Tedavi, Radyofrekans Ablasyon, Mikrodalga AblasyonÖğe A Rare Case of Bilateral Synchronous Male Breast Cancer: A Multimodality Approach(Galenos Publ House, 2022) Ozgur, Cihan; Sunal, Baran Serdar; Tuncbilek, NerminBreast cancer is a rare entity in men, accounting for less than 1% of all breast cancers. Contralateral breast cancer diagnosed within 12 months of the prior breast cancer is known as bilateral synchronous breast cancer. Bilateral, synchronous male breast cancer is extremely rare and consequently there are few publications describing imaging findings of synchronous bilateral male breast cancer. We aim to raise awareness about this rare entity by presenting the clinical and pathologic findings of a 64-year-old male case with synchronous bilateral breast cancer using multimodality imaging techniques including magnetic resonance imaging. Increasing awareness of the disease will prevent delays in diagnosis and treatment.Öğe Relationship between the Size and Location of the Mass and Hilar and Mediastinal Lymph Node Metastasis in Early and Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer(Coll Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan, 2020) Kuzucuoglu, Mustafa; Gokyer, Ali; Kula, Osman; Yekdes, Ali Cem; Sunal, Baran Serdar; Karamustafaoglu, Yekta Altemur; Yoruk, YenerObjective: To determine whether there is a relationship between the size and location of the mass and lymph node metastasis in non-small cell lung cancer. Study Design: Observational study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Medical Oncology of Trakya University, from November 2013 to November 2018. Methodology: Records of 112 patients, who were followed up for non-small cell lung cancer, were retrospectively reviewed. Patients with distant organ metastasis (M1) and distant lymph node metastasis (N3), a previous history of malignancy, synchronous or metachronous tumors, and those for whom required data could not be obtained were excluded. Lymph nodes were evaluated according to pathology reports in patients undergoing invasive procedures. In patients without invasive procedures, lymph node larger than 1 cm in thorax CT, SUV above 2.5 in PET, and acceptance of metastasis at the Oncology Council was considered decisive. Diameter of the tumor, the shortest distance between the tumor and the mediastinum, the shortest distance between the tumor and the hilum, and the diameters of the largest mediastinal or hilar lymph nodes were measured from the thoracic computed tomography (CT) taken at the time of the diagnosis. The relationship between these values and lymph node metastasis was statistically evaluated. Results: Upon consideration of thoracic CT measurements, lymph node metastasis was found to have a statistically significant relationship with tumors with a large diameter (>55 mm) (p<0.001), tumors close to the mediastinum (<7 mm) (p=0.003), and tumors close to the hilum (<60 mm) (p=0.045). The evaluation of the distinctiveness of markers in diagnosis through ROC analysis showed AUC of 0.70 (p<0.001) for the largest tumor diameter, and the risk of lymph node metastasis was higher for lesions above 55 mm. Conclusion: In thorax CT, Large tumor size, tumor close to mediastinum, tumor close to hilum, large lymph node, and high SUV value of lymph node in PET-CT are associated with increased chances of metastasis.