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Öğe Çocuklarda kasıkta ortaya çıkan ve yaşamı tehdit eden bir sorun: Boğulmuş fıtık(2007) İnan, Mustafa; Başaran, Ümit Nusret; Aksu, Burhan; Dereli, Murat; Dötdoğan, ZaferAmaç: Çocuklarda görülen en sık cerrahi hastalık kasık fıtıklarıdır ve %5-18 oranında boğulma riski taşır. Bu çalışmada bebek ve çocuklarda görülen boğulmuş kasık fıtığının klinik özellikleri incelendi. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Ocak 1994-Haziran 2006 döneminde boğulmuş kasık fıtığı nedeniyle takip ve tedavi edilen 33 çocuk olgunun (30 erkek, 3 kız; ort. yaş 2; dağılım 20 gün-6 yaş) kayıtları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Bulgular: Kasıkta şişlik (n=33), kusma (n=19) ve skrotumda krepitasyon (n=10) en sık görülen semptomlardı. Olgulardan 26'sında elle geri itme girişimi başarılı oldu ancak yedi olguda acil cerrahi girişim yapılması gerekti. Fıtık kesesinde en çok sıkışan organ ince bağırsaklardı (n=22). Olgulardan üçünde testis iskemisi, ikisinde ince bağırsak, birinde ise kalın bağırsak iskemisi gelişmişti. Boğulmuş kasık fıtığı nedeniyle iki hasta (%6.0) kaybedildi. Sonuç: Bölgemizde boğulmuş kasık fıtığı olgularının hastaneye getirilmesinin geciktirildiği düşüncesindeyiz. Çocuklarda kasık fıtığı görüldüğünde mümkün olan en kısa zamanda ameliyat edilmelidir. Böylece boğulmuş kasık fıtığının yol açtığı yaşamsal sorunlar ortadan kaldırılmış olacaktır.Öğe Congenital Spigelian hernia associated with undescended testis(Zhejiang Univ Sch Medicine, 2012) Inan, Mustafa; Basaran, Umit Nusret; Aksu, Burhan; Dortdogan, Zafer; Dereli, MuratBackground: A Spigelian hernia (SH) is a ventral interstitial hernia through, a defect in the Spigelian fascia; an undescended testis is sometimes associated with this clinical entity in male newborns. The etiopathogenesis, surgical anatomy, diagnostic methods, and treatment for this rare condition are discussed with a review of the literature. Methods: A 20-day-old newborn was admitted to our hospital for a swelling in the right lower abdomen and undescended testis. Physical examination of the abdomen and scrotum revealed a congenital SH associated with cryptorchidism. Results: Herniotomy, herniorrhaphy, and orchidopexy were performed. In the post-operative period, scrotal abscess occurred and was drained. After drainage, the fixed testis was found to be atrophic. Conclusions: This association may be a distinct clinical syndrome. The operation time in cases of neonatal SH with undescended testis should be well planned because of probable surgical complications such as vascular damage, tension, or compression. World J Pediatr 2012;8(2):185-187Öğe Esophageal duplication associated with esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula in a child(Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2007) Inan, Mustafa; Basaran, Umit N.; Aksu, Burhan; Dereli, Murat; Dortdogan, ZaferEsophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula is an uncommon congenital anomaly. Duplication of the gastrointestinal system is even more infrequent. We describe an unusual case of these two conditions occurring in the same children, although distal esophageal duplication was not recognized initially after repair of the esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe A life-threatening problem occurring in the canalis inguinalis in children(Ekin Tibbi Yayincilik Ltd Sti-Ekin Medical Publ, 2007) Nan, Mustafa; Basaran, Uemit Nusret; Aksu, Burhan; Dereli, Murat; Dortdogan, ZaferObjectives: Inguinal hernia is the most common surgical disorder in childhood and is associated with 5-18 % incarceration risk. The clinical features of incarcerated inguinal hernia in infants and children were assessed. Patients and Methods: The medical records of 33 pediatric cases (30 males, 3 females; mean age 2 years; range 20 days-6 years) treated and followed up in our hospital for incarcerated inguinal hernia in the period of January 1994 and June 2006 were retrospectivelye evaluated. Results: The most frequent symptoms were inguinal lump (n=33), vomiting (n=19) and crepitation of the scrotum (n=10). Manual reduction of hernia was successful in 26 cases and 7 of them underwent emergency hernia repair. Small bowel was the most frequent incarcerated organ (n=22). Testicular ischemia developed in 3-patients, partial small bowel ischemia in 2, and colon ischemia in one patient. Two patients (6%) died due to incarcerated inguinal hernia. Conclusion: We think that in our region, cases of incarcerated inguinal hernia are admitted to the hospital with delay. The children with inguinal hernia should be operated as soon as possible. Life-threatening complications of incarcerated inguinal hernia may thus be prevented.Öğe A novel approach for preventing esophageal stricture formation: olmesartan prevented apoptosis(Via Medica, 2014) Dereli, Murat; Krazinski, Bartlomiej E.; Ayvaz, Suleyman; Aksu, Burhan; Kanter, Mehmet; Uzun, Hafize; Gelisgen, RemiseAccidentally ingested corrosive substances can cause functional and structural damage to the esophageal tissue resulting in stricture formation. It has been reported that the administration of olmesartan (OLM) can have anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic and antiapoptotic effects on injured tissue. The aim of our study was to check if OLM could prevent formation of scars in the corrosive esophageal burn model. Fifty-one Wistar Albino rats were divided into six groups: Control, Sham, OLM, Sham + OLM, Burn, and Burn + OLM. Olmesartan (5 mg/kg) was given by gavage once per day for 21 consecutive days after injury. The morphology of the esophagus was assessed after Masson trichrome staining, and apoptosis was evaluated using the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferased UTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) method. The serum nucleosomes (as an indicator of apoptosis), serum p53 protein, and esophageal tissue p53 protein levels of each group were measured by immunoassays. Muscularis mucosa damage, submucosal collagen deposition, and tunica muscularis injury in the Burn + OLM group decreased significantly compared with the Burn group (p < 0.05). Similarly, the number of apoptotic cells in the Burn + OLM group decreased compared with the Burn group (p < 0.05). Serum levels of nucleosomes and p53 and tissue of p53 protein did not differ between the groups. Exogenously administered OLM can effectively prevent the occurrence of esophageal strictures caused by corrosive esophageal burns.Öğe A novel approach for preventing esophageal stricture formation: olmesartan prevented apoptosis (vol 52, 29, 2014)(Via Medica, 2014) Dereli, Murat; Krazinski, Bartlomiej E.; Ayvaz, Suleyman; Aksu, Burhan; Kanter, Mehmet; Uzun, Hafize; Gelisgen, Remise[Abstract Not Available]